*emo* xD

May 27, 2008 00:30

Happy Birthday REITA ~ !!! \(^o^)/ ♥
I always remember his birthday. It's because the biggest and most shocking earthquake in my town happened on his birthday 2 years ago.
Not really a sweet reason, but... oh well. *pats Reita* xD;

Finally, starting yesterday, I could enjoy my break time. I went to the cinema with my mom, we watched NARNIA 2. =]
I enjoyed it a lot! I think it was better than the 1st one. ^^

After that I bought some manga because it's been a while since I bought my last ones. Of course I bought NARUTO, I missed reading NARUTO! But I wondered why I didn't find the latest volume of ONE PIECE at the bookstore.. o_O I missed reading ONE PIECE too. (>.<)
I also bought the latest CONAN and random volume of HAI!MIIKO. xD I love Miiko series. (*w*) ♥

Then, of course PARFAIT TIC!. Because it finally reached the last volume.
The ending disappointed me, lol. It's because Fuko (the main chara) ended up with Daiya. Not Ichi. Oh Ichiii~~ (>_<) I'm not calling my nephew here
It's kinda annoying because before trully fell for Daiya, Fuko actually loved Ichi and they were actually SO CLOSE to be lovers; but because Ichi was being stupid with his previous love and so on... finally Fuko fell (again) for Daiya and ended up with him. Ichi, who's still in love with Fuko, didn't give up and stated that Fuko would be his one and only. But Fuko's feeling for Daiya had gone too strong, she just couldn't feel the same way to Ichi again. OH MY. (=___=)
I can be really emotional about this kind of story. xD
I just hate it when I want this character to be with that character but in the end, they don't end up together. It sucks. xD

I think I don't want to read a love story manga again. *laughs*

ps. I found blogcrew heboh. xD Mau nge-claim jd ga enak sendiri. xD

birthday, random, manga, reita

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