(no subject)

Jul 26, 2011 11:27

I saw Hizumi's tweet this morning.

朝までいろいろ考えてた。 全ての事実が分からない状況で、素直な想いをを書くのはやめようと思う。このツイートでどこまで伝わるかわからないけど、兄弟子として今言えるのは、一志は人を悲しませる為に歌ってたわけじゃない。だから残された俺等がやるべき事は、あいつの分も生きる事じゃないかな。

Not the best translation, but:
"I was thinking about a lot of things until morning. The entire truth is unknown so I think we should stop writing straightforward thoughts. I don’t know until where this tweet will spread but as a senior I can say this: Isshi didn’t sing to make people grief. So, the thing that we should do is to living for his part as well, isn’t it."

Thank you for your words, Mr.H!
Isshi is resting peacefully now. 

translation, isshi, hizumi, twitter

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