I've been expecting some news from vistlip since the end of September and we have nothing, yet. We... we'll surely wait if it's for them.
Instead, there's a good news I read from ViViD Reno's blog tonight. As expected, since Reno and the others have been mentioning about new tunes lately, I think soon they will release new stuff. Based on this entry of Reno's...
RECORDING2010-10-05 20:25:43
An update after a while.
Recently [we're] recording continuously.
We're able to make a great progress!
There's still some time before Nagano LIVE so it feels a bit lonely, but [I'll / let's] be patient just a little more.
[My] hair has grown considerably but [I] didn't [get it] cut!
Only myself who has back-of-neck-lengthy hair, but during the older days, everyone had back-of-neck-lengthy hair though (laugh)
Everyone is cutting [it]...?
Perhaps something like back-of-neck-lengthy hair is out of mode...?
Currently I don't know.
Oh well, what the heck (laugh)
Eh... I'm really glad about the recording, but a bit confused now about the hair issue Reno was talking about. Damn I'm still bad at understanding informal grammar. ^^; And I didn't find the more proper translation for "eriashi nagai" hair, so I put "back-of-neck-lengthy hair" (which is odd I know lol). *failed*
But I assume Reno didn't get a haircut even though it has grown pretty long. Maybe he was talking about the lengthy hair covering the back of his neck; which is the standard hairstyle of most Visual Kei artists (lol). Although all ViViD members once had that kind of hairstyle in the past, now he's the only one in ViViD who still has it. That's why he thought that hairstyle is kinda out of mode now (coz everyone else got rid of it).
Personally, I would love to see Reno in short (and black) hair but if he wants to keep that current long hair, it still suits him anyway.
This is the end of today's practice.