Finally~ [Seitai Jigen Kuiki Minerva]

Sep 07, 2010 23:58

Right on September 7th, probably the most painful day of the month,
someone shared Lolita23q's [Seitai Jigen Kuiki Minerva] mini album.
I'm so thankful. I've been wanting to listen to it (feels sorry though, can't purchase the original this time)... finally one more thing to cheer me up after this tearful day~

There's an unexpected thing from this mini album, related to my pre-favorite track [ALICE in downward]. I thought the part they upped as preview on OHP was the chorus part. But, apparently, it's only the ending part! That's why, I was confused during almost the whole song. I was thinking, "Why the song is different from the preview??"
But when the song almost ended, THERE IT WAS! The part I heard from the preview. ^^;

Anyway, of course it's time for reviews. I'll keep them rather short.

1. Ginga No Tsubasa -GALACTIC WING-
A lot of rap. Sounds rather cool, but still loving the chorus better. It's a nice pay-off for I can enjoy Soshi's voice nicely, because he sings using his original range (a bit high, but that's how he sings). It has some futuristic-space sound effects (of course, because of the title/theme), but the guitar composition sounds cool too.

The verse parts and the chorus sound a bit 'unlinked'. But I kinda like both parts. I was kinda surprised by the bridge part though. It sounds rather... ancient? Traditional? Dunno how to put it into words. Soshi has put a different style of vocal in that part, too. Sounds interesting though!

3. ALICE in downward
Veeery unexpected. I mean, I expected the dark tune (which I love), but the whole beginning was just far from my imagination. Once again, the beginning and middle parts of the song feel a bit 'unlinked' with the ending. I think the ending sounds amazing though, love it so much!

4. Koko Ni Aru Kanan
This song has a rather cheery tune, catchy and gives a light feeling; though the bridge part is a bit mellow. This is the most easy listening track of the mini album... a very simple song, but the composition and guitar solo are nice.

5. Kyuutai Kikagaku Yuugi
Hey, I actually love this song. I love dark and heavy songs, but I tend to be attracted to a well-composed techno song too. Hell yea, techno. Soshi even sings robotic here. Haha, I think I have a quite strong 'disco-party-girl' side of me? But everyone needs a little bit of disco in their lives! *lol* Anyway. Nice, pleasure-giving song!

6. lost minerva
One of the coolest songs in the album, I think. The intro sounds cool, and the whole composition, as well. And and and... here I can hear Soshi's weird growl! ^^; I don't know why he growls that way... it's the kind of low-growl combined with screamo... and I kinda like this part, it's like a climax, but still... Soshi's low-growl sounds a bit amateur. xD; They put a short part of 'lullaby-like' tune as well after the growl part! It's a surprisingly great contrast. ^^; The ending is quite nice too, I think people will enjoy singing along to this song during LIVE.

That's it that's it~ ♪
It has become quite long, hasn't it... apparently I failed at keeping things short.
Well I sure fail at a lot of things. *jadi emo lagi, inget betapa buruknya hari ini*
Anyway, I'll get a grip.

hayaku deshita

lolita23q, music, review

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