
Aug 19, 2010 21:07

Time to back to my biggest fandom in Visual Kei world: Kagrra,.
For their 10th anniversary, they've held a lot of LIVES and tour, as well as releasing two singles; [Tsuki Ni Murakumo Hana Ni Ame] (or "Tsukimura", in short) and [Shiroi Uso].

It's been a while since the last time I wrote a lot about Kagrra,. It's kinda true that I've been distracted by other bands lately. But Kagrra, has been commemorating their 10 brilliant years in the Visual Kei scene. An overseas fan like myself can't do as much as attending their LIVE concerts, but I'm still happy and proud of them as much as Japanese Auga are.

And I'm quite glad with their new singles. I think they've been trying to create music and visual concepts like their old concept; the original 'Neo Japanesque'. They're not 100% back to their old style, but I still like what they've done this time. They've been trying hard for their fans, so I'll try to understand the 10-years-old Kagrra, as well! ^_^

Sorry, that was a quite long prologue.

I was just about to write some impressions towards both singles. So, details are behind the cuts...

My first reaction when I heard the preview of this song was: "Yay! It's not a ballad!" And then few months ago, I said this song sounds a bit 'incomplete'. This song feels 'light' (maybe they intentionally made a light catchy song though). Now when I listen to it, gradually, I can enjoy it more. Sin-kun's koto sounds nice. Some parts of Akiya-kun's solo guitar reminds me of his old style of solo melody. [Tsukimura] isn't my favorite song, but it's quite catchy as a single title song.

At first this song didn't impress me. During chorus, the tune has become pop-ish, where the atmosphere is similar to their songs from their old album [Shizuku]. FYI, [Shizuku] is my least fave album of Kagrra,. That's why, this song isn't really my 'taste'. But from an objective point of view, this song is musically beautiful. I don't even have to repeat about how beautiful Sin-san's koto, right? :)

THIS is my favorite song of this single. Kagrra,'s "Gikyoku" series can be expected as good pieces. And this one is a very good example. The intro is cool! I like the guitar intro. This song represents Kagrra,'s original concept of Japanese traditional mystical theme. Like the previous [Gikyoku Kagome Uta], it sounds mysterious but this one is more playful. The constant guitar rhythm is kinda dominant and it's the strength of this song, I think (at least to me, hehe).

Despite the pop-ish catchy chorus (it's very easy to follow and remember, especially the beat), I was a bit confused about this song. It's beautiful, yes. However, at first, this song is a bit unrecognizable; it's like the new 'personality' of Kagrra,. But this song grew on me, it's kinda stuck in my mind. ^^ Too bad, I was expecting a solo guitar from Akiya-kun but we have solo koto instead. Not that I'm complaining, Sin-san is a great koto player, but I miss Akiya-kun's intense solo guitar. Somehow I think his rockin' solo guitar is necessary to add more personality in Kagrra's song.

OH btw when I watched the PV, I just realized Akiya-kun used a new guitar! I saw a picture of it on his blog as well. It's a beautiful guitar and somehow suits [Shiroi Uso] very well. :D

Yep, another impressive "Gikyoku" song! I like it. The intro is similar to [Gikyoku Kagome Uta], because of the female vocal. But this song sounds heavy and more intense, I think. Sin-san's koto sounds more monotone here, but that's what makes this song even more hypnotizing. And finally some crazy solo guitar from Akiya-kun! When I heard his solo guitar, I was like, "What the hell!" (in a good way). Finally a wild melody! It's been a while since the last time he played a melody like that. Definitely a great pay-off after missing solo guitar in [Shiroi Uso].

When I heard the song preview, I was attracted at once. The intro is totally amazing and got me very excited. I was stunned and very happy! I just love the traditional horror-like tunes. x) Though I have to admit, the chorus part is too soft, in my opinion. But the whole composition and arrangement are perfect. Well, I still think that this song also has a new personality of Kagrra,--which is not quite familiar but very nice and I approve! Anyway, another nice pay-off, Akiya-kun's solo guitar sounds great, although I still like his solo in [Gikyoku Touryanse] more. Awesome, [Kuwaidan]. I knew I'm gonna love this song!

Well, that's all. Sorry for imperfect English. :)

Some time ago mochi_sama told me that Akiya-kun wrote something about recording again on his blog. Are they working on an album?? I hope so! Please make a splendid album too after this, Kagrra,-san! ^__^

hayaku deshita

kagrra, music, review

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