So, prompted by a friendly Torontonian stranger on flickr, I made some more fabric Matrioshka/Matryoshka/Babushka/Russian Nesting Dolls. These are lino block prints on grey linen with various backing such that the inner pocket of the Mama matches the baby and the inner pocket of the middle one matches the Mama, so that they go together as a set. Also, faux-bois is really hip. There are whole
websites about it. The babushka/head scarves are red corduroy. The other fabrics are from my vintage stash (floral and quail patterns).
I like these better than the prototypes made for the Matrioshka Doll Swap, this summer.
They do stand up, which is nice. I'm thinking of Matrioshka hot/cold packs. What do you think?
Did I mention it's snowing weird wet yet large and fluffy like goose down covered in wallpaper paste snow? :(
Plus, I have to go back to the dentist because of my tooth, or teeth.
On the upside, I was productive today. Apart from blogging, I dealt with the #%@^ book and put the editorial assistant in his place (i.e. NO, you may not blackmail the authors. They are volunteers, not serfs.), tried again to get myself sent to the arctic (really, it's a strange compulsion, as I sit here looking sadly at snow), convinced an engineer to STOP panicking, tied up many experimental loose ends, advised a student about her PhD qualifier, and advised MR about how to get around NYC. Plus I sent off the "creative life chunky page", a print and a pin I sold, and I sold two giraffes.
Now, I have to get snarf some pain killers.