Fic: A Phoenix In a Pear Tree

Dec 28, 2009 17:38

A Phoenix In A Pear Tree
By minnow_53

Disclaimer: These characters belong to JK Rowling and various corporations.
Rating: PG-13/R
Pairing:: Remus/Sirius
Summary: Five Christmas scenes, in which trees sing, wolves howl, Sirius is vain and everyone gets a happy ending.
Thank you: To westwardlee for the beta.
AN This was written for remuslives23 in rs_small_gifts. The prompt was Five Times type fic depicting five Christmases the pups have spent together.
Warnings: Um...some hints of twincest.

This is my Small Gifts fic, which I have to post on my journal before the holidays are completely over! Link goes to the comm.

(On the first day of Christmas...)

through_era, challenge_fic, small_gifts

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