Permanent Sticking Post: About This Journal

May 22, 2022 12:24

This is a fic journal, and most of the stories are Remus/Sirius. But not all! I do branch out very occasionally, so check the non_r/s tag.

The genres vary: there's serious, angsty, fluffy, happy, thoughtful, humorous... If you use the tag-list in the sidebar, you should end up in roughly the category you want. Or use this link to my fics in memories, where the stories are sorted by era and sometimes genre, for instance MWPP or AU. Or just wander round here at your leisure!

Because I like the main journal to be balanced, I tend to backdate stuff. Sometimes I send a selection of crack to the archives when it’s overwhelming the more serious stories. The link to my page of backdated goodies will take you there.

permanent_post, links_to_fic

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