Mister Lee [4/?]

May 29, 2010 00:56

Title: Mister Lee
Author: me! :)
Rating: R
Chapter: 4/?
Pairing: 2MIN, Hyunmin
Summary: Minho has no idea that his life was going to be changed by a certain someone named, Mister Lee.


The first ray of sunlight fell on Taemin’s fair skin and woke up the young man. He groaned softly at the stiffness of his body and turned to his side to get more comfortable. His eyes slowly fluttered open and his vision gradually came into focus. A soft gasp escaped his lips as he realized his student’s handsome face was mere inches from his own. “Oh no! Not again!” He bit his lips and squeezed his eyes shut. He prayed that when he opens them again, all of this would just be a bad dream. But of course, fate was not so forgiving. When Taemin reopened his eyes, Minho moved even closer and draped his arm casually around Taemin’s small waist.

Taking a deep breath, he gently lifted the tall boy’s arm from his body and slipped out of the sheets. There was no point in screaming and making a big fuss today, especially when Taemin knew that most of it was his own fault. He threw on his clothes and winced at the occasional pain that plagued his backside. He truly hated his night side for always making a huge mess and leaving him to deal with the embarrassing and sometimes shameful morning-afters.

Minho shifted slightly under the covers and his arm blindly groped around for the missing body. After failing to find the soft and warm Taemin, he opened his eyes groggily and looked around. His eyes soon fell on the young teacher who looked as guilty as ever.

“I’m sorry, Minho-sshi,” Taemin sat down next to Minho, but kept his eyes on the ground, “I keep on hurting you. I’m not fit to be your teacher.”

Minho sighed and sat up to face his teacher. He pulled the sheets high enough to cover his privates and sat cross-legged in front of Taemin, “Teacher Lee, I think you’re a great teacher. I mean, all of the students love you.”

“Really?” Taemin asked meekly.

“Yea, it’s true, you can ask Key too. And, about you and me, you can only hurt me if you pretend that nothing is going on or happened between us. But, I don’t want to hear your apologies, that’s not what I’m looking for…” Minho’s heart was beating so fast that he wondered if Taemin could hear it pounding too.

“What are you looking for?” Taemin’s eyes were full of concern.

Minho lifted his eyes and stared directly at Taemin. He noted how different his teacher looked in the morning. His eyes were visibly brighter and filled with an adorable innocence that should be far too impossible for a twenty year-old man to possess. “Your feelings.” Minho stated without blinking.

A moment of silence consumed the room. Both parties stared at each other wordlessly and the only things they could hear were their own respective heartbeats. “My feelings?” Taemin asked unsurely.

“Yes, your feelings.” Minho wondered how the hell he could be so calm right now. He was asking for something that was highly taboo from his own homeroom teacher. Of course, he prepared himself for a flat out rejection, which any sensible person would.

“Whose feelings?” Taemin’s question caught Minho off-guard.

“Y-y-your feelings.” The latter responded, not knowing why Taemin would ask that.

“The feelings from the person you see right now, or from the person you slept with last night?” The young teacher was clearly sad to have to ask this question. “You probably fell in love with the night side of me, but that’s not who I really am. I’m actually trying my hardest to get rid of him.” Taemin’s lips quivered but he forced himself to keep it together, “So, please don’t ask me to have feelings for you because you’re asking the wrong person anyways.”

Taemin stood up and turned away from Minho. The latter was at a loss for words and was unsure of what he wanted. But, he didn’t have the heart to let Taemin walk out on him now with that expression. He immediately rose up after the young teacher and pulled him into a hug from behind, “I’m sorry, Teacher. It’s my fault for being so selfish. I’ll…I’ll wait…”

“Wait for what, Minho-sshi?” Taemin sniffled.

“I’ll wait for you to fix and your problem and…and…and when you’re ready to accept me and give me your feelings.” Minho buried his face into the nape of Taemin’s neck. He breathed in the strawberry scent of his hair and squeezed his small frame as tightly as he could.

Taemin could not hold it in and started to cry in Minho’s arms. The other whispered comforting words and turned him around. They stood there clinging onto each other as if letting go was simply impossible. Minho placed butterfly kisses all over Taemin’s face as his hands roamed his back. The elder began responding, much to Minho’s surprise, and the two locked lips in a matter of seconds.

Taemin felt a strange hot surge coursing through his body as Minho pushed his tongue deep into his mouth. His whole body was practically begging to be touched by the boy. The young teacher’s hands shyly explored the toned body pressed up against him and became slowly addicted to the burning skin. He gasped against Minho’s lips when the latter’s hand slipped into his pants and cupped his growing erection. “M-m-minho-yah…” Taemin moaned deliciously followed by a soft mewl of pleasure when his student squeezed the hardened cock.

“GOOD MORNING, LOVEBIRDS!” The door suddenly swung open and revealed a cheerful Key. He was unfazed by the couple and stepped into the room as if it were his own.

“Ahhhhh!” Taemin yelped and pulled himself away from Minho. He pulled up his pants and stood as far away from both Minho and Key as possible.

“Ah, no need to be shy, Teacher Lee. We’re all family here.” Key grinned with his hands on his hips.

“Yah! Kim Kibum, get out of this room this instant!” Minho growled as he pulled on his boxers. He grabbed the rest of his clothes and pushed his friend towards the door.

“It was good to see you again, Teacher Lee!” Key called out as he was being dragged out of the room, “And might I say that you have a very good-looking backside!” The door slammed closed before he could continue his inappropriate talk.

Taemin sighed after his two students had left and smacked himself several times in the face. “Get ahold of yourself, Lee Taemin!” He told himself. It was hard for him to accept that he has become the sort of teacher that gets involved with his student. He had vowed to never do it again after Jonghyun. A familiar ache throbbed in his heart as he remembered that name. As he stared out the window at the shining sun, he wondered if he would ever see his old student again. He immediately shook his head and slapped himself even more, “No! It’s better this way!” Taemin let out a long breath before grabbing his towel and heading for the shower.


“You nosy bastard!” Minho cursed at his friend as he threw Key into his room, “How did you just barge in like that?”

Key laughed heartily as he rolled around Minho’s bed, “The door wasn’t even locked, Minho-yah. Tsk tsk! If you’re not more careful next time, someone could walk in right in the middle of your sexy sexy time.”

“Sexy sexy time?” Minho rolled his eyes and grabbed his towel since he really needed a shower.

“Yea, sexy sexy time refers to when you shoved your big beep into his beep and made him scream beep beep!” Key was getting strangled by Minho and his towel. The taller of the two had no patience for the crazy chatterbox that morning.

“Well, Mr. Towel and I are going to beep you unless you shut the beep up!” Minho finally let go when Key nodded frantically and gasping for air.

Key coughed hard and waved his arms in defeat. He knew how to push Minho’s buttons, but he also knew when to stop, “Okay! Okay! You win!”

Minho scoffed and swung the towel over his shoulder, “So, how much did you see last night?” His voice was low and dangerous.

“Well, quite frankly, I saw too much. Teacher Lee was an absolute pleasure to watch, but you on the other hand,” Key made gagging sounds, “I thought I was watching a Neanderthal raping my poor homeroom teacher.” He dodged the punch that was clearly coming his way for the remark. “Like seriously, Minho, I thought you’d be an expert in boy-sex after reading all those gay porno magazines.”

Absolute hell broke loose in Minho’s room as the former chased Key around the small confined space and yelling every obscenity possible.


Jonghyun slammed on the brake when he realized he had just found the house. He steadily backed up the car until he was parked right outside of large complex. “Hmm, a hostel, eh? So, that’s where you’ve been hiding, Taeminnie,” He pulled-off his sunglasses and chewed on one of the ends as he stared at the Choi Complex, “I’m back, my love.”


Author's note: First, I'm sorry for the shortness fail. Secondly, I didn't plan on having Jonghyun appear so early in the fic, but oh well! Throwing him in now to let the drama begin is much more fun than keeping him on the sideline. :P Comments pwease!
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