And so it begins...

Nov 01, 2009 01:19

NaNo has officially started. Too bad college apps dead-ified my brain by eight o' clock. Afraid tonight's writing wasn't a very good showing. >.>

On the upside, I knocked out the part before she leaves her Aunt Penny's entirely. She is en route to the City, which gets me that much closer to the exciting stuff.

To do list:

- write 1,667 words (at least) a day
- figure out place names (stat!)
- plan out the eleven boys (even more stat! Elise will probably meet them within another day or two's writing)
- find names for various minor characters (not really stat, as she's not going to meet anyone as yet unnamed for a while yet besides the pigeon boys)

OH! And if you want to add me on the NaNo site, the sn is "minnabird" (as usual).

pigeontale, nano, to-do list, nanowrimo

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