Posted before VS ARASHI aired today : The opponent team lost to ARASHI so I guess Rock Shoot failed DAIGO again lmao :x
DAIGO will appear on tonight's episode of VS ARASHI .
Other than DAIGO , comedian Kawashima Akira , comedian duo Shimofuri Myojo & model turned musician Matt Kuwata will make up part of the opponent team which they called themselves 令和ブレイカーズ ; Reiwa Breakers which's a obviously a play in BREAKERZ's name x)
The last time DAIGO appeared on VS ARASHI was last Feb when he was part of the Fortuna no Hitomi movie cast opponent team .
Stills featuring DAIGO : Video preview from last week's VS ARASHI episode : Based on the video preview , I'm sure DAIGO will once again participate in Kicking Sniper & also from what he said , I think Rock Shoot failed DAIGO , again +_+