Title: Red Dawn in Morning Author: Mink Rating: PG - Gen Spoilers: None Disclaimers: SPN & characters are owned by their various creators. Summary: During a ferry ride a storm hits.
Wow! I thought the hamster in my head ran at full tilt when I worried. Seeing how Sammy's works makes me feel way better. You know, I could actually hear that guy talking... the one who sold them the ferry ticket. *laughs* and I've spent almost no time in New England. Angsty? A bit I suppose, but wonderful none the less.
i can totally picture sam having all those deep thoughts, nothing to do but pace and think them. poor guy. your deanvoice is really good too - "So like, Poseidon Adventure wave or like ... oh shit there goes Japan wave or...?"- and no doubt his worries DO look really simple to sam. big waves, salt water on the car.... whereas sam's got the weight of the world. yeah, he could probably take a lesson from his big brother. :>
Oh, now, this is totally different from your other stuff. *or so it seems to me* But good! Poor boys. I'd be hanging over the side, i'm afraid - motion sickness would about kill me.
I like how Dean can push parts of his life to the background and just get on, and that Sam is learning that he needs to do it, too... Nice nice.
Comments 9
You know, I could actually hear that guy talking... the one who sold them the ferry ticket. *laughs* and I've spent almost no time in New England.
Angsty? A bit I suppose, but wonderful none the less.
Thanks for readin' and glad you diggin it. :)
Poor boys. I'd be hanging over the side, i'm afraid - motion sickness would about kill me.
I like how Dean can push parts of his life to the background and just get on, and that Sam is learning that he needs to do it, too...
Nice nice.
I think I have like five modes of SPN writing:
-epic Scooby Dude chapters of stuff like this
-wacky hard core angsty porn like this
-pure angsty mew meows like this
-or ridiculous funny humor stuff like this
And then these little slicy lifey things...
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