Title: Travel Sized Author: Mink Rating: PG - Gen Spoilers: General (for aired episodes only) Disclaimers: SPN & characters are owned by their various creators. Summary: Dean shares some advice and some soap with someone who needs both.
Ah, nice. And a bit sad, but hopeful. I like the 'insider' information grapevine, and poor Sam - tired. *pet pet*
Teeny thing:He had dripped several large drops of water that trailed down the front of his white T shirt, leaving it with that strange translucency and all along side a black hand print smeared down to his stomach.
I just can't make thie whole sentence...make sense. After 'translucency' it kind of gets garbled.
He had dripped several large drops of water that trailed down the front of his white T shirt, leaving it with that strange translucency and all along side a black hand print smeared down to his stomach.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... How 'bout this:
He had dripped several large drops of water that trailed down the front of his white T shirt, leaving it with that strange translucency. The rest of it was flecked with axel grease, all along side a black hand print smeared down to his stomach.
Funny you should point out that part, I was looking at it like...Why am I talking about Dean in a wet T shirt contest....? ha ha! Maybe I'll just snip it out....
*pet pet*
Teeny thing:He had dripped several large drops of water that trailed down the front of his white T shirt, leaving it with that strange translucency and all along side a black hand print smeared down to his stomach.
I just can't make thie whole sentence...make sense. After 'translucency' it kind of gets garbled.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... How 'bout this:
He had dripped several large drops of water that trailed down the front of his white T shirt, leaving it with that strange translucency. The rest of it was flecked with axel grease, all along side a black hand print smeared down to his stomach.
Funny you should point out that part, I was looking at it like...Why am I talking about Dean in a wet T shirt contest....? ha ha! Maybe I'll just snip it out....
And no no! It's good to leave in - it's a little detail that you notice and completes the picture.
*wet t-shirt contest...mmmmm....*
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