I'm behind on everything and this one took the shortest amount of time therefore it got completed first. *2008s all over you* XD
(and in solemn honor of
lomer's brand spankin' new dark angel S2 DVDs...♥)
Title: Caliente
Author: Mink
Rating: PG - Gen - Alec & Cindy
Spoilers: General (for all aired episodes)
Disclaimers: DA & characters are
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I love the descriptions of the resturant and the textures of the food. Poor Alec following Cindy's lead without any clue as to where it'll lead him. One of my ex's was Cuban/Dominican so I've definitely forced myself to eat some spicy dishes, smiling with tears in my eyes insisting that it tastes great.
And the tear gas! Hee! And everyone loves alcohol served in cheesy themed cups. It makes it taste better.
Very glad you liked it this one! Alec + NEw Food is a gift that keeps on giving. (it will get old to me one day... maybe!!!) And I've been mulling over your previous question (over here)about fic in my head and I have to admit... I don't read much fan fic! XD I use my play time for writing so I pretty much depend on recs from others and my current rec-er usually only tosses SPN fic my way. However, if I come across something I'll be sure to drop you a line...
Meanwhile, I post over on jam_pony_fic and it's updated rather regularly? Perhaps you can find something fun over there? :D (If you do, I am open to recs! ♥)
p.s nice alec icon! *stabby stab stab*
Alec + New Food = Awesome. I'm also a fan of Alec + Experience Normal People Have But He Hasn't. Much like your Alec and Cindy watch a movie, or Alec and Cindy go to a Halloween party stories. I love the idea that he's so knowledgable about somethings and absolutely clueless about others. I'm slightly intriged with the idea of Alec interacting with an 8 year old. He reminds of a kid in so many ways.
And if your free time is spent writing and you write awesome things like this, I'll gladly forgo the fic recs. *g* I'm just sad the rest of the fandom doesn't write as well.
I've just opened up jam_pony_fic in a new tab and will check it out.
There's a DA/SPN crossover thats a wip. I've all ready read the series so far, but it's a fun read.
Agents of Fortune.I ( ... )
"Tactically speaking, Batman is the superior opponate!"
"Wolverine has claws though. Nobody beats claws!"
"Kid, you have no idea. Claws are a totally beatable obstacle. Batman has a plan. Plans beat powers any day. Um, but don't tell Max I told you that."
Or Alec has no idea about playground etiquette and Original Cindy ends up intervening.
Or maybe Alec just discovers his inner non-military child while hanging out with OC's nephew or something and realizes for the first time exactly what he missed out on.
I wish it were a fic, but unfortunately it's just plot bunnies.
I still don't know how Max was such a good sitter with Logan's niece. Maybe her years outside of Manticore taught her about kids. Somehow I don't picture Alec handling kids as well. ...or at least as maturely.
And my insane schedule won't start again until Monday. So technically if you wanted to write this I could beta it for you provided it was in the next few days. *blinks innocently* Its not like you're not all ready writing a billion other stories.
(Seriously don't feel pressured to write this. I'm just teasing you. *g*)
I am totally making that noise! XD
*is in lame distress*
I wanna write more Alec vs. Real Life so bad now... all I need is the spin on it that will make slightly different from the Max one I did. (that has Alec in it) I HAVE written something about Alec babysitting but it was Max POV. I forgot the name of it... *looks* It's over here!
It's weird re-reading that one... My Max is like a Cindy-Fiction-Prototype. Like Alec vs Real Life but without the cindy-ness...haha!
Soooooooo, if it was a brand new Cindy-n-Alec story, how would YOU play it? You give me a prompt and you'll have something to beta tomorrow night... (are you sure you wanna do that? its not pretty! XD) I'll probably only have an hour to play anyway so short fic is completely possible!
For someone who sucks at prompts you gave some pretty awesome ones! XD The clinic sound really neat but I like Alec Interaction With Kid more. YOu have got my head really going... you got me going to where Cindy doesn't even need to make much of an appearance. However, what is more fun (aka what would you rather see) to read? Alec's internal angst/reaction or a more objective third party like Cindy?
And grammar is great but whatever you'd like to do is fine with me, suggestions, cuts, blaring awkwardness and whatnot. :)
You could probably have the best of both worlds with internal angst vs. third party. Alec POV could be lots of fun, and you could always use Cindy to bookend the experience. She's the one who introduces him to the kid, and then the one who helps him deal with the confusion afterwards.
And this is a random idea, but I think Alec wouldn't understand the concept of letting a kid win. If they were to play a game, Alec would win ever time because that's the point right? The concept of fun wouldn't really factor in. And a pretend game like "cops and robbers" with pretend guns and stabbings, would really freak him out. And god help him if the kid found friends on the playground and they wanted tried to make him play "house."
House would be the ultimate Alec torture, because the poor guy wouldn't have a clue how he's supposed to act. Games of pretend are always interesting with kids because they come up with the craziest ideas and then commit to them whole heartedly. I babysat a friend's son once who wanted to play "kidnap victim". WTF?
If you wanted to go uber-dark you could always set your story later in the season after the "mutant menace" is revealed. Instead of cops and robbers, kids could want to play mutie and sector police.
Why do I eventually have to go back to school, and essays, and plays, and memorizing lines, and character analysis? Why can't I just play online forever and create wacky Alec plots?
... actually to be super picky, why can't I do BOTH? I actually really dig my program. I just also enjoy free time.
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