Maximum big surprise, she knows something new.
The With a Bang Guide is HERE (The untagged Master List is:
Over Here!)
You're going to have to hit 'Next 20 Entries' a few times to view the entirety of some of these lists...
The What:
SPN - One Shots SPN - Multi-Chapters SPN - Gen SPN - Humor SPN - Ficlets (under 2 pgs)
SPN - NC-17 SPN - Crossovers The Who:
Sam POV Dean POV John POV YED POV Outside POV Bobby Pastor Jim ♥
Impala The When: (Only 'Pre-Series' have been tagged as such, all else exists within S1-4.)
teen!chesters wee!chesters wee&teen!chesters (the Sam 10 yr to Dean 14 yr spread)
The How:
sick!dean hurt!dean quicksand!dean sick!sam hurt!sam non-con h/c genderswap The Other:
Fic to DL on Audio♥
My Favs Out of the Pile-o-Fic♥
Fan Art by Various Pals of Mine Some of my Update & Other Notices ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dark Angel:
The What:
Dark Angel - One Shots Dark Angel - Multi-chapters Dark Angel - Gen Dark Angel - Humor Dark Angel - NC-17 Dark Angel - Crossovers The Who:
Alec & Cindy Max & Alec Sketchy Logan Regan Normal Ames White The How:
sick!alec hurt!/alec h/c -------------------------------------------------
Meanwhile, deep in a disgusting downtown sewer a single flashlight is failing...
Dean: How come there are one billion more Sam POV stories than ME point of whatever stories?
Sam: Maybe because my perspective isn't a theater of pain accompanied by a flimsy charade of barely concealed anxiety, self loathing and unarticulated rage?
Dean: Get to the point.
Sam: Yer complex.
Dean: :D
Sam: But hey! You got way more hurt!Dean stories than I do? So did Alec. Whoever the hell that is.
Dean: :/
Alec: :\