and they'll stand among their pictures

May 05, 2012 21:14

So that icon meme's going around again. Got some from
gehayi; comment if you want me to give you some to talk about.

geeks in love (made by flamingo_bandit on LJ): This is... well, one of my Warehouse 13 OTPs, even though it's a crossover. Claudia and Fargo had more natural chemistry in five minutes than she'd had with her in-canon boyfriend in the two episodes previous. (Interestingly, of my OTPs, this is one of the relatively least doomed. W13 and Eureka are doing their respective things, but there's still potential!)

most triumphant: I made this for the express purpose of encouraging dawning_star to write more stuff in an NCIS/Rent crossover 'verse where Collins and McGee were roommates at MIT for a time.

that other otp (made by greenpixiehair on LJ): Billy and Penny, enjoying some frozen yogurt. The thing about Dr. Horrible is it sets you up for a doomed OTP, and yet we've all embraced it anyway. XD

placebo effect: I decided I needed a Villains By Necessity icon in my rotation, and the only way I was going to get one of those was to make it. "Remedius fabulum equus placebo" is probably my favorite of Valerie's spells throughout the book, compounded by the fact that Robin doesn't even notice she did exactly nothing (but Blackmail does!).

paul on the floor: The Exciting Adventure of Paul on the Floor, as seen in Help!; it's an absurd moment from an equally absurd movie that I love with all my heart. (Oddly, when I was getting caps of the film for icon purposes, I didn't bother getting any of Ahme. Terrible oversight on my part; she's the only person in the movie who has her shit together.)

Originally posted at DW;
there. Comment wherever you'd like.

tubes: to any passing fad, tubes: icons

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