we're all in the same boat, ready to float off the edge of the world

Apr 22, 2012 11:38

Hey, it's that AO3 hit-getters meme again. Let's see how the top ten's changed since last year.

1. Strict Construction, Iron Man movieverse, 1770 hits (last year: 2, 674 hits)
Jarvis rather does not like Washington, so far. Of course, it doesn't help matters that SHIELD commandeered him for "matters of national security" without asking Mr. Stark or Miss Potts how his absence in Malibu might affect their everyday lives. Or asking Jarvis himself - really, they might have realised that a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence might have an independent perspective on the matter.

2. Snap Judgments and Premature Celebrations, Daria, 1304 hits (last year: 1, 1029 hits)
Jane blinks. "Okay, you're excited about going to a party? What Kool-Aid did you drink?"

"I'm completely blocked on that paper." Daria sighs, and picks up a slice of pizza. "Ask me to talk about one of the tragedies, and I can damn near write a book about it. I'm even fine with the histories. But no, we're on to the comedies, and I can't figure out where to start. I knew a whole semester of Shakespeare was a bad idea."

3. Cast Your Own, Harry Potter, 1178 hits (last year: 4, 659 hits)
"Well, you're quite an interesting young lady."

My eyebrows must have disappeared under the Sorting Hat's brim, when it opened my Sorting with that. And the bugger of being at the end of the alphabet is that everyone else had nothing better to do than watch me get shocked by a hat.

4. Five Places Claudia Donovan Never Called Home, Warehouse 13 multi-crossover extravaganza, 928 hits (last year: 8, 441 hits)
“You know, I can’t say I ever thought I’d have this conversation from the other side of the table.”

As he said it, Carl could picture the girl on the other end of the phone - and Claudia was only a girl, her voice left no doubt about that. (He had learned a thing or two from Whistler over the years, after all.) She was probably sprawled on a comfy chair, or possibly her bed, trying to look bored and defiant all at once, even though she couldn’t see the person who’d called her bluff the other night.

5. Greatly Exaggerated, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, 914 hits (last year: 3, 661 hits)
The nurse starts with the papers from a couple days after the shelter opened, and Penny begins to understand when she sees the headlines.

It explains where Captain Hammer's been, at least, And she thinks she sees some cracks in the stories about Bill--about Dr. Horrible's exploits, which makes her want to talk to him even more. But mostly, the fact that she's been written off as 'Captain Hammer's girlfriend' and 'what's her name' pisses her off to no end. Really, couldn't anyone in this mess bother seeing her for who she is and not who she was dating?

6. What a (Hench)man's Gotta Do, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, 819 hits (last year: 5, 653 hits)
"Doc... hasn't been himself. I don't think he's slept since he got into the League - if he has, it hasn't been enough. I know he hasn't eaten except for when I've taken a pizza or something over. There's no life to the heists, and for all he says there's nothing creative or elegant about killing people, he's not really bothering to do anything creative or elegant to prove his point. And I don't know what to do."

"I think you're the only person who considers care and feeding of their employer part of their job description." Conflict Diamond tops off the drink with grenadine and hands it over. "But then, no one else works for Dr. Horrible."

7. It's Complicated, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 782 hits (last year: 6, 567 hits)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has this to say on the subject of sexual orientation: It's complicated.

It isn't complicated in the way that many social neuro-networks use the phrase, though a number of romantic entanglements with that label feature all manner of orientations. After studying the matter for quite some time, leading Galactic scientists reached a conclusion that was bleeding obvious to most sentient beings: While the drive to propagate the species leads most to their standard reproductive arrangement, whatever that may be, the majority of beings have at least some interest in sex that stands no chance of producing offspring.

8. Saving Expertise, Iron Man/Dr. Horrible, 775 hits (last year: 10, 347 hits)
Captain Hammer smashes in the nefarious hijacking device on top of the van, then jumps off, seeing a chance to remind his adoring public that he's there to protect them from certain doom. He barely registers the van crunching against something until the person responsible for it interrupts him.

"Okay, first off, it looks like whoever was responsible for steering the van had it under control, and second, do you have to sing about it?"

9. And then I'll make it clear, Daria, 727 hits (last year: 7, 493 hits)
"...Because I didn't make the full rounds of the city's cemeteries by December?"

That excuse falls flat enough that Daria raises an eyebrow. "You're only that evasive when there's more to it than what you're saying."

Jane sighs, and takes a few pictures of another gravestone - even knowing what Puritan naming traditions were like, Daria still can't fathom why anyone ever thought 'Increase' was a good name for their son. Daria lets her evade the question a while longer; just when she's on the point of saying something again, Jane stops dodging the point on her own.

10. The Viking Hordes, Warehouse 13, 586 hits (last year: wasn't written at the time I did the meme)
It’s only then that Steve thinks to read the tags on the shelf nearest Claudia’s work station; sure enough, her name’s on no less than four of them. “Huh. Won’t argue that one with you. So...” He hesitates for a moment, then decides there’s no time like the present. “You said you had more questions.”

“More - oh, right. The other day.” Claudia looks up from her work; he’s sure she’s doing it on purpose, but Steve still appreciates knowing she means it when she says, “Mostly I’m wondering how this works with your whole ‘rar, I can tell if you’re lying’ thing.”

The takeaway: Mostly things have flip-flopped around. Also, I write in tiny fandoms. XD

Otherwise, life continues apace. Things Are Afoot, not least of which is a resurgence of Plot With Rocks In over
milliways_bar way. (Because apparently I'm nuts, but also I miss it. XD)

Originally posted at DW;
there. Comment wherever you'd like.

writing: fanfic, rp: milliways, tubes: to any passing fad, tubes: links

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