Feb 02, 2008 11:37
The Lost Year of the DART Dept.
That's what we're being called because we don't wear studio blacks to class and apparently that means we're not serious actors. Forget that 90% of the cast of Marat/Sade was third year, and a sizable percent of Skriker, too. Oh, and forget the fact that HSM is mostly third years and that the DIRECTOR is mostly in third year classes. We're lost. Damn those studio blacks and their ability to make serious actors out of ne'er-do-wells. I guess track pants and a shirt just isn't enough for the holy DART dept. Sometimes I feel like the department is a bad dictatorship. If we don't support everything the DEPARTMENT does then we're outlaws. It's like big brother. It's like I live in 1984. It's like I'm totally bitter or something...
Fucking Fancy. Why couldn't you just keep your trap shut and just let me keep respecting you?
Justifieds are done. They went really well. I got some very flattering compliments from some very flattering people which always feels good. Gini spent longer telling me that I played a wonderful Zombie than anything else. She loved the way I allowed myself to be manhandled. I think I liked that she said that. Probably because I like her whole life.
Then this morning I get an interesting message from waaay out of the past. It's like Fancy's plays have a weird way of doing this to me... Not that I'm complaining.