Who: Arekoth, H'kon, Miniyal, and Peloth
Where: The bowl near the lake
When: 09:14 on day 14, month 12, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: Ditching class a weyrling runs into a wingrider. Their dragons wish to talk to each other. So, what can be done?
At High Reaches Weyr, it is 09:14 on day 14, month 12, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
But for the shape of him, and the posture he's adopted, there's not much to be seen that identifies H'kon as... H'kon. Riding jacket is done up, with gloved hands shoved into his pockets, and collar turned up to provide extra protection for his neck. His face has been huddled down, so that only his nose (red) and eyes (marked with bags underneath) show. Pulled down over ears and hair is a toque, dark blue and grey, which surely he's knitted himself. Arekoth, despite his usual bravado, is also hunched up a bit to hide from those gusts of wind. He stands more or less on the shore of the lake, though he's certain to have his front paws completely submerged, up to the knee-joints. Inner lids are closed. Beautfiul day to be out by the lake.
It is the time of morning when weyrlings are supposed to be warmly and safely indoors. Classroom lessons. It's the time of day Miniyal tries to get out of where she is supposed to be more than anything. Classroom phobia. When she can't invent an excuse she will sometimes just not show up. And get in trouble for it, sure, but what's a little trouble? There is no sneaking about anywhere with a dragon at your side. Especially not one with a gold hide. Peloth walks beside her rider, pressed up against her side. It is a marvel they're not falling all over each other. They might have been headed somewhere else, but near the lake Peloth spots a friend. So, with some subtle adjustments she sends her rider in that direction. When they get closer the larger of the weyrling pair lets out a croon of greeting. Miniyal offers no greeting at all, not hiding in her coat but wearing one. The black leather looking barely worn and the fur around the hood worn down caught in the wind and near constantly ruffling.
Arekoth is certainly beyond pleased when the croon is heard, and its source recognised. A few steps are taken back from the frigid water, and the brown, unconsciously lifting that left foreleg into the air, provides a deep rumbled greeting in return. << Hah. The day's better already. >> H'kon isn't about to start the conversation going, though no sooner than he's noticed Miniyal, he's straightening up, and making his posture look as though he's not nearly as cold as he feels. The weyrling is watched, but not approached.
One hand emerges from a pocket. Not in there to keep it warm as it's hidden within a glove to match the coat. Miniyal makes an annoyed swipe at her hair and lets out a sigh. Her feet carry her a few paces closer to where H'kon stands and before the hand returns to the pocket she salutes. But says nothing. It is left to Peloth to speak and she is happy to do so. Breaking away from her rider she gives Arekoth a bump of affection with her head against his side. << I make the day better. >> The words fill the brown's mind as a statement of fact. He may have said it, but she says it better. Always.
One of H'kon's own gloved hands is brought up to return that salute, a nod accompanying it. The exhaled air condenses before him in a nice little cloud. He doesn't push his chin back down, again, feigning warmth. Visual attention then flips over to Arekoth, who is busily returning that bump. The left leg has touched the wet ground once more. << Too bad you aren't around all the time. >> Less the materialising idea, and more the direct and smooth thought, now.
What her rider lacks in social graces Peloth has. And what she lacks she is learning to fake. One foreleg extends so the gold might examine the temperature of the water. Verdict: cold. But she moves forward some anyway. << If I were around all the time it would not be such a pleasure to see me when I am around. >> Looking over her shoulder at her rider she watches a moment and then surges forth into the water. It may be cold, but that won't stop her. It's water! And on the shore Miniyal looks at H'kon. "Sir. I suppose you heard what happened."
<< I think it would always be a pleasure to see you, >> Arekoth notes, following after the young queen into the water. Congratulations, Peloth, you've been deemed old enough for some light flirtation. H'kon's jaw sets when the brown hits that water, and the condition certainly doesn't improve with Miniyal's chosen topic. "I did," is confirmed, with another nod, and another cloud of air forming around his mouth and nose.
Well, she would point out she is quite clearly old enough for most things. Peloth just moves out into the water without any indication the temperature of it bothers her. << You may see me whenever you wish. We both live here. >> It is not coy or flirtatious. She is not the type. It might be deemed that way, but she simply states a fact. << I would let you. >> And grants permission. She may buddy up to a brown and let him flirt, but she doesn't forget she is a queen. "Don't worry, sir. I will not discuss it with you." Miniyal says this while looking out in the water. Instead she finds another uncomfortable topic. "Will you be able to stop him, you think? When she rises. Or should I remove her from his presence now to hopefully solve that problem before it must be dealt with. Surely if I keep them separate for a couple of turns he will forget."
One of these days, H'kon will learn to just run in the other direction when he sees Miniyal coming. For now, the brownrider sets to grinding his teeth together. Arekoth is better in the water once he's mostly submerged, and he sets to his slow, prancing paddle to get around. << Well so long as you'll let me. >> There's a humour in that, and it's accented with a blowing of bubbles. Cold bubbles. "I have not failed in 'stopping him' before with any other gold's flight. I do not imagine this will be any different." H'kon shifts his footing, allowing some new bloodflow into his legs.
"I guess it's just I don't recall ever seeing Arekoth out swimming with any of the other golds, sir." Miniyal slides her glace sidewise to peer at the other rider, no emotion visible in her expression. "I could care less either way. It's turns from now. But if I need to be doing something about it then I should be told so I can. However, if you're sure there is no problem I will put it from my mind. There is plenty I can talk about instead." Yes, H'kon should learn to flee someday. In the water Peloth observes the brown as she swims out and back in. She prefers the deep water where she can be mostly submerged. << I am told not to encourage you. But not what I should be discouraging. What might it be? >>
"Arekoth does not know any of the other golds in such a way," H'kon points out quite simply. "I imagine once you are no longer a weyrling, they will see much less of each other anyway. And as I have said, I know his signs, I have not yet failed in controlling his... ideas." He rocks back a bit on his heels, and gloved hands are linked behind his back. Chin is tilted upward, eyes squinted as there's a gust of wind, and then he's happily observing the lake. Maybe if he doesn't look at her, Miniyal won't talk. << I don't know. I don't think you make me do anything I wouldn't. It makes no difference, except that discouraging isn't nearly as nice. >>
Blinking at hair blown in her eyes Miniyal looks over at H'kon again. Like shutting her up is that easy. "Oh, please, sir. I steal free time now. I should be sitting in some dumb classroom right now. When I am done with all this we'll have more time. I've been a junior weyrwoman's assistant. Twice. I know what sort of work I will be doing. None of it will take that much time. Especially considering how much faith our weyrleaders have in me not to fuck things up." Shoulders shrug and she pulls a hand from her pocket to brush hair from her eyes. "Anyway, we could discuss other things if you prefer. I'll even let you choose the subject so there is no deep conversation about the wrongs of torture or the lack of a viable penal system or the proper way to handle all this Five Mines' nonsense." In the water Peloth swims out to the center of the lake and paddles around in circles. << I am always nice. Unless I must not be. He does not like her, does he? >>
H'kon still doesn't look at her. "Then let us talk about this 'free time' of yours. Why are you not in your class? Or perhaps we could discuss the tone and choice of words used with those who outrank you, if only at the time." Head hs tilted a bit to the side, in something of an extended twitch of annoyance. "Perhaps it is best you return to your classes so as to be fully prepared for the aspects of your future duties that perhaps you do not yet understand." And shoulders lift with a breath, which is let out slowly. Arekoth launches himself on an intercept for Peloth's circles, prance-swimming away. << Well you can always be nice to me. >> A swish of his tail has him rotating a little. << She worries him, that's all. >> The brown clearly doesn't put much importance to this worry.
Peloth watches the potential intercept and makes no move to alter her course. It is her course. If he intercepts she will just have to deal with it somehow. << I will be nice to you unless you do something that offends me. >> She's so nice. And honest. << He does not worry her. She thinks he is dumb. For not doing things. >> Likely she would be upset to know that thought was shared. But since she doesn't know Miniyal can focus on her conversation. "Sir, I worked in records. I /ran/ records. I hate classrooms. Lessons that are specifically dealing with what I need to know as opposed to what everyone needs to know aren't happening with everyone else. Besides, I have an excuse. I was sick." A pause so she might shrug her shoulders. "I am better now. However, if you wish to discuss my choice of words please do. Which offends you, sir?"
Arekoth does complete the intercept. And reaches out to prod at the young queen with his muzzle. Tag. And then he's moving away. << He is not dumb. >> A stronger resolve goes to that, and the brown peers over his shoulder to Peloth. Any defensiveness is soon forgotten. << There are lots of things he does, and lots of things he doesn't do. >> H'kon snorts. "Do not pretend stupidity." Maybe that's a veiled compliment, somewhere in there. "Now you ought to be with the others. Soon enough you will be separate from them anyway."
"If I have to listen to an instructor repeat himself one more time because some idiot was too busy or dumb to fucking listen to what was being said I will scream." No, she won't. Miniyal doesn't even raise her voice. She doesn't even sound annoyed. It's all the same emotionless tone that has governed her for some time now. "So, no offense, sir, but if you're so keen on that you go sit in the class. I'm not behind on any lessons. The ones I need to be there for I am. The others I am not until D'ven or Issa drag me back to them. It's good for them. It builds character." Miniyal, character builder. Peloth is tagged and she watches the brown move away. Just watches, for now. << He does not use his brain. She says. She says that he wastes time doing what he is told always when he could do other things that are right. We do not always do what we are told. >> Perhaps that sense of pride in that last sentence is troublesome. It is merely pride for her. They are above always doing what others say.
"I attended all my lessons when we were weyrlings," H'kon points out. "It is not me that is required there." Arekoth's pace is slowing when it seems Peloth isn't chasing him. << He does use his brain. He just makes decisions. >> A wing is swept to splash some water in her direction. << I make different kinds of decisions, though. >> Arekoth is no stick-in-the-mud, thank you. "It does not build character. It disrespects authority and takes time away from those who need it for more than disciplinary issues." H'kon does look over to the woman now. "Anyway, we will not be cause for your continued presence outside of your classes." Arekoth gets a look. Which the brown ignores.
Peloth does not chase until she wants to. And when she is splashed she darts forward, swift in the water, to splash back. Without stopping as she zooms by and then turns to face him again. << Slow. >> Pointed out with little tendrils of amusement creeping into his mind. Rather than a full out assault like what usually comes from her. "Nonsense, sir. Us disciplinary issues need time too." Miniyal might have smiled at that before, but this time she just looks out in the water. Still looking in the water she says, "I have not yet failed in controlling his... ideas." The look between wingrider and brown must have been noticed.
Arekoth is positively thrilled at the forward dart, and as soon as she's spoken, he sends another wave toward the gold - and this time, swims away, making a point of moving more quickly. << Only testing. >> H'kon, for his part, has turned red in the face, despite his best attempts. Maybe it's the cold. "Weyrling, you must return to your classroom." This time, it's a glare sent to Arekoth, who, barely having had time to finish his escape pattern, gives a rumble. << Every time I am enjoying myself... he says it is time to go. >> Though there's no sense of blind obedience in the dragon's mind, at least.
It is quite likely that in the back of her mind Miniyal feels guilty about her conversations with H'kon. She teases him horribly, but since he continues to talk to her she must figure it's not truly bothering him. "Nonsense. It's a beautiful day outside, sir. I am learning much more out here." Now she's deliberately being a brat. << You do not have to listen to him. I do not always listen to her. Sometimes she gets things wrong. >> But Peloth makes no attempt to chase and instead turns to head back towards the shore. << Stop bringing him along. We will have more fun without them. >> Completely innocently said. A child knowing that mom and dad only make things more boring.
H'kon, tired and colder than he's willing to admit, is certainly not in the mood for the bratty jibes of a weyrling. Even if her lifemate is quite shiny. "Well I only hope that he time given to disciplinary cases such as yourself will not be wasted." Arekoth has turned in too, but is paddling slowly. A little bit of defiance. << I don't always do what he says. But you have to pick the times not to do things. He gets terribly broody. >> As the wtaer gets more shallow, Arekoth stretches out his wings to let them dry, even if the wind is cold, and the evaporating water emphasises it. << I agree, though. Next time, it can just be us. >>
Miniyal's eyes follows the inward bound dragons rather than look over at the other rider. "Oh, it usually is, sir. But feel free to register a complain anyway. Have a good day." A snappy little salute, nearly taunting, is given and then she turns to leave. Peloth takes her time coming out of the water and once out she gives a last little head bump to the brown's shoulder. << Good. We do not need them to make things dull. You must show me your tricks. >> Cold droplets of water mark her path as she follows her rider back to the weyrling complex. Neither of them in any hurry to get back to their life.
H'kon returns the salute, making full sure that it's done properly, to contrast any hints of taunting from Miniyal. Arekoth, of course, returns the head-bump, his amusement for the move easily felt, if not outright vocalised. << Oh, I promise, >> is agreed for the tricks. And then H'kon - poor H'kon - gets a head-bump from the brown to. Just when he was trying to storm off to the caverns.