Fine wine

May 26, 2007 00:16

Who: J'sek, K'rom, Miniyal, and Roa
Where: Living Cavern
When: Evening on 5, month 11, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: The graduating weyrlings have a little to do in the living cavern. A couple of weyrwoman come by to offer congratulations.
Note: I got there late. There was RP before me. But, here is what I was there for.


Evening on day 5, month 11, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.

Moving towards the table once more, K'rom nods, "Good to hear. Would you like a plate of food as well?" Kie smiles again as he clances at Roa and cocks his head, "I don't mind helping fix you a plate as well." Pausing for a moment, Kie gets two plate and glances at Roa. "You did do good work with Areteth. Where did you learn how to do that? Is it hard to learn?"

The weyrwoman stands amid the group of newly-graduated weyrlings, talking quietly with J'sek and K'rom as the pair begin to drift over to the available food. To J'sek she chuckles and again glances downward. "Mostly, it was luck. I was flying blind. Never had to treat a dragon so young before. He was very brave. I'm fine, though. Thank you both." Her dark blue eyes peer back towards K'rom. "I was trained during my weyrlinghood at Telgar, and I continued to work in the infimrary once I came here. It's not...I wouldn't say it's especially hard, once you've practiced for a while."

Anyone who expects the under good circumstances anti-social Miniyal to stay long at any gathering has been drinking more than klah. However, it seems she will be making an appearance at least at the graduation celebration, because she enters the living cavern and looks around. If she doesn't look thrilled to be here, well, she doesn't look like anything these days. With the same sort of neutral expression she's been wearing since the event of last month she hefts the basket carried in one arm and makes her way towards where the weyrlings are gathered. Thrilled to be here, surely.

While glancing back to still fuss over the selection of food, even if there isn't much in the way of fancy edibles, J'sek side glances over to Roa, still listening in on the conversation as he picks over his choices in a finicky manner. "You were?" he says, almost looking amused at that notion. "Didn't figure you were." He adds, slowly turning back to face the Weyrwoman and K'rom with a plate in one hand. The bluerider looks interested, however, as the topic changes. "I can see how practice would be important. But can anyone go for that sort've training? I know we got the rough basics, really. Just curious, though." And he's about to continue, only to pause and glance towards the entrance that Miniyal arrives through, offering a brief wave with his free hand.

Nodding as he listens to Roa, Kie seems to be thinking some, "Well, I was considering some additional first aid training. More than what we learned in weyrlinghood. You think I could spend some time in learning some dragon healing as well, if they can spare the time?" The young greenrider seems interested in the training if it is possible. Kir grins at J'sek and nods, getting some of the food as well...focusing on the meatrolls and pastries for now. He glances where J'sek looks and a quick look of suprise crosses his face, but he holds his smile and nods at the goldrider and waves at Niya as she approaches.

Neither waves or smiles are returned, but she doesn't stop and instead Miniyal continues her approach of, ugh, festivities. When she comes to a stop it's by the table so she might pull from the basket a couple of skins of wine. That done she places her hands in her pockets. "I am sorry if I am overly late," she begins with. The words will have to be believed without any inflection used. "I brought," she pauses to wave one hand to the skins. "Wine. From my collection. It's not much, but you should all at least be able to have a glass. It was a very good turn for reds."

"Didn't think you were so interested in dragon healing there, K'rom." The bluerider murmurs, picking up a smaller piece of meat roll and quickly devouring it just as Miniyal passes by and instead stops at the table. The lack of a returned greeting is ignored, for the most part. Most of J'sek's interests have now focused in on the basket she carries and the wine that comes from it. And for the most part, he does actually look surprised. "Don't apologize." He says, pausing to glance back to Miniyal and then briefly over to K'rom. "Your own collection? Thank you, Miniyal and I'm sure it'll be plenty. It was nice of you to bring as much as you did."

Blinking for a moment at J'sek, he nods, "Well, yes, I have been thinking of it. I didn't enter the Craft my parents wanted and I've been considering a way to be more....useful to the Weyr. Plus, if anything happens to Iusath, I want to know what to do as well." He does seem sincer when he speaks, but will he follow through with the idea? As Niya comes towards the table, the young greenrider shrugs, "It is good to see you here Miniyal. It is good to see you." When she pulled out the wine, his eyes widen a little, "REally? your collection? Thank you Niya, that is an honor." No questions are asked why a weyrling has this collection though and Kie smiles then, "Would you like a pastry or two Miniyal?"

"Still, I am sorry for my tardiness. I had to finish up a few things." Likely weyrling things. They will understand. Miniyal looks around and shakes her head. "No, thank you. I am not hungry. Perhaps later." Another look, this time to the wine. "It is not much. But I will not be making use of my collection for some time yet and could spare what I have brought." How magnanimous of her and all. "My collection is not all that great. There's no need to be so impressed. I've seen better collections. Still, in time." Wine, a safe neutral topic.

"You fighting in a wing is useful enough, I figure..." J'sek begins to say, only to let the topic and his sentence, drift off. Now would not be the time to start either a relatively serious discussion on that or an argument. So instead, his attention returns to Miniyal. And he does, understand, apparently, because the bluerider does nod his head - apology accepted, then. "There probably are better collections, but it's the thought that counts. No doubt that what you brought is better." There's a pause, as he glances down to select something else from his plate, but adding in: "Plan on rebuilding it when you're free from Weyrlinghood?" in a slightly amused tone before taking a bite of food.

To K'rom's inquiry, Roa ponders for a moment before nodding. "I suspect that someone would be able to teach you, but I'd suggest getting yourself settled and used to flying with a wing before you seek out extra duties. Once you have a routine, if you still feel you have free time to spare for the task, then see about dragonhealing." She turns her head to nod to Miniyal and then to look at the wine she's so thoughtfully donated to the festivities. One brow hitches upward in silent query, though she doesn't say a word.

Miniyal blinks a couple of times and then shrugs. "I see no reason to stop building my collection just because I cannot enjoy it right now." Don't be silly. "It is merely a matter of what I have space to store." Hands still in her pockets she looks at Roa. "It was the least I could do. And, it would not be proper to not offer some small token in way of congratulations to the weyr's newest riders, yes?"
K'rom nods slowly at Roa than and gives J'sek a quick smile for his response, "Well, I do need time to settle in, yes, but when I can, I do want to learn." He cocks his head to one side then and grins, "It will be nice to get used to a regular schedule with the wings to and be able to do what I want with my free time again." He nods to Niya then, "We are grateful to the contribution Niya." He nods to Roa as well, "Although I hope most here won't overindulge...."

There's only silence on J'sek's part, for the moment, as he mostly indulges himself in cleaning off the plate of food he's holding while listening in on the conversations. "Speaking of wines...I need to go look for someone." Most likely another certain green riding weyrling. "It was nice speaking with you again Roa. And thanks, as well, once more for the wine, Miniyal." With that, he simply gives a brief nod of his head and then backs away, turning back to the one corner that seems primarily occupied of weyrlings and a few riders.

Now the brow arch in directed at K'rom for that final comment of his, and Roa is silent for a beat before she finally speaks. "i'd hope the same, though I expect there will be at least one weyrling who enjoys the night a bit too thoroughly. Take care J'sek," she nods towards the departing bluerider. "I think I'm less concerned about the donating and more curious about the rest of the collection."

"I have been collecting for the last ten turns or so. It is small, but I think quality is more important than quantity. As I said, I've seen better." Head tilting to the side, Miniyal flicks her eyes towards Roa. "I had access for a short time to a truly decent selection. I suppose the original owner still has what was left of it. Had I known how things would turn out I might have kept it." A look to K'rom and she blinks. "I don't see why they wouldn't celebrate. It's been a long time since they truly have been able to. It makes sense to take the opportunity now."

K'rom shrugs then as he eats some of a pastry, "Well, celebrating is a good think and I don't mind drinking wine. I've experiences what overindulgence can do and the results are not always....pleasant. I thinking knowing your limitations and what you can handle is important, so drinking wine is fine, but not necessarily to the point of getting drunk and then sick the next day." Kie waves toward J'sek then and shrugs, focusing on those around him, "You've been collecting wine for ten turns?"

"Miniyal is nothing if not persistent. And meticulous. But, as we're on the topic of knowing one's limitations, I'm afraid my capacily for late nights has somewhat diminished recently. Congratulations again, K'rom. Miniyal, I'll talk with you later, I'm sure." She offers up another smile before turning and heading back towards the bowl.

"Oh. Yes, some people do get sick from too much wine. It is a shame." Miniyal nods at this. "Ten turns, yes. It is a hobby of mine." When Roa announces her departure she gets a nod. "Yes, ma'am. Good night."

K'rom nods at Roa as well, "Good night Roa. And thank you ma'am. I hope to see you again soon." He turns to Niya ten, "You collect mainly Benden wine or others?" He smiles sliightly then, "It is nice to have hobbies. I may need a couple more."

Miniyal shifts her weight over from one foot to the other. "Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of good wines and spirits out there that do not come from Benden. I have several bottles of Benden in my collection, but to ignore other types does a disservice to the collection. For instance, Igen whiskey. Or brandies from High Reaches. It can be. . .time consuming to make a good collection, but it is worth it."

K'rom considers for a moment as he finishes his pastry. "That is something to consider then since I haven't explored many of the.....finer drinks. I can imagine that it would take time for a good collection as well as a bit of money as well." He glances at Niya then and raises an eyebrow, "How much do some of the finer drinks cost?"

"Oh, if you aren't willing to spend the marks you cannot have a fine collection." Miniyal of the mystery marks nods as she says this. "However, they are worth it. And it makes the proper impression." Propriety is a girl's best friend. "It depends on the type. And the turn. And when you acquire them. The trick is to know other collectors so you might arrange trades. I do not know many. A few I met when I traveled with the former weyrwoman. Some I have met here."

K'rom nods slowly, considering, "It would be nice to meet people who collect wines. I really haven't considered that as an option." Until perhaps now? "So, have you traded with other collectors? What is the most you'll pay for some of these....drinks?"

Miniyal's head tilts to one side, hair falling forward to obscure her vision. She makes no move to swipe it away for now however. "I do, on occasion, make trades. It is wise if one intends to have a serious collection to keep several bottles simply to offer as trade. So you do not have to part with something you truly value." The last question causes her to remove her hand from her pocket and remove her hair from her eyes. "It depends. On the what is offered. And on how much I have at the moment. I do not have much in the way of marks, after all." She was unemployed for some time and all so that would make sense.

Nodding as he considers some, K'rom pauses, "Well, that does make sense. I'm sure that it does take time and marks to build up a good collection. Also, if you were knowledgeable about such drinks would be a benifit as well." The young greenrider glances at Minyal just for a moment and seems to consider these things. "Marks would definitely be necessary to keep up a good collection. Would you tell me which bottle is your favorite?"

"There are several books on the subject." Miniyal offers this indifferently, not even a shrug to accompany the advice. "It is best to start by reading up on what other experts have already offered. However, yes. Marks or truly valuable items would be required, yes." She glances around, absently making note of where people are. "Ah, there is pear brandy I acquired a number of turns ago. Several bottles."

K'rom nods slowly then, "Thank you for the recommendation. Books would be a good place to start, definitely." The greenrider seems to be thinking about a few things then and nods, "Pear brandy? really? I may need to look into that more." He smirks then, "You seem knowledgeable on the subject. I'm sure that helps."

Pulling a hand from her pocket, Miniyal plays with her necklace. "Yes, I am. I have been studying this for several turns." Taking a step backwards she inclines her head. "My congratulations again on your graduation. I must be going. The schedule demands it."

K'rom nods then and bows slightly, "Thank you Niya. I understand. I won't be staying too late myself. Thank you for the wine again."

j'sek, roa, k'rom

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