Who: Miniyal and R'en with Peloth and Sehkrath
Where: Weyrling training cavern
When: 12:49 on day 4, month 11, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
What: R'en comes to Miniyal to ask a favor. It is similar in nature to one asked her by another rider not so long ago. She handles it slightly better. Although the weyr's leaders might not see it that way.
At High Reaches Weyr, it is 12:49 on day 4, month 11, turn 3 of the 7th Pass.
It is lunchtime for the weyrlings or at least that general time and therefore most of them are not anywhere present. Instead they tend to filling their bellies. Possibly filling the larger and more demanding bellies of their lifemates. Quite likely stealing a bit of time before lessons to tend to other things. Whatever the case, for the most part the large room that serves as a training cavern lies quiet and empty. In one corner, contributing to the quiet if not the emptiness is Miniyal. She sits on the ground with her back to the wall absently staring at the wall across from her. Every now and again she will move enough so one hand might touch the ring or necklace she wears. Sometimes that same hand will reach over and lightly touch the head of the gold who has not left her side but for when she cannot follow ever since her rider received the bad news. Wasting time, that's what they are doing.
If there's one thing R'en has always been good at, it's disturbing quiet time. Usually on purpose. This time, though, the way he intrudes on Miniyal's and Peloth's moment together is soft. Sehkrath follows him in from outside, his shoulders hunched and his head hung low. His size is a matter of some concern, it seems. << Hello, Peloth, >> he gently greets, taking up a space near enough the gold. His has stopped too, to stand out of the way of Miniyal's staring with his hands in his pockets. Eventually he says something. "Hey." It's eloquent.
Normally, if one could ever call her normal, Miniyal would have known there was someone approaching her. Would have watched, even if covertly, the approach. This time she is caught by surprise. Even if Peloth is not. << Sehkrath, >> she greets in that cool voice of hers, taking up every inch of space in his mind with her voice that she can. Here, look at me, I talk to you. << You are looking well. >> Small talk may not be her rider's strong point, but she seems capable of being friendly. "Oh." Said as Miniyal gives her head a shake and looks up at her fellow weyrling. "I'm sorry. Am I in the way?" Sitting against the wall. With no one around.
If Sehkrath had eyebrows, they'd lift with the earnestness of his return. << As are you. >> Apparently he has the manners in the relationship. "Uh." R'en takes a quick stock of the cavern, his brow furrowed. "No." No she isn't, in fact. "Room's empty," he informs her, since she seems to need to know. "Why're you sittin' all alone in here?" Even if he should know. He should know. Maybe he does know. << How is yours? >> Sehkrath will also ask the questions His dares not.
"Oh. I guess it is." Empty. Miniyal looks around the room as if confirming this. Then she takes the time to swipe hair from her eyes, as would be polite, so she might actually see the man she converses with. "I don't know." Peloth watches the other dragon, there being no need to watch her rider since she is seated right next to her, touching her. << She is. . .empty. But we are working on it. She will get better as soon as she realises she can. >> To be polite, and not just to switch the focus of the conversation, she asks her own question. << Yours seems to be doing much better. At first he did not seem to do so well. It is good. >>
"Oh." She doesn't know, but he might have some idea. Without waiting for further response or invitation, R'en puts his back against Miniyal's wall and slides down until he's flopped next to her. The sand cushions his drop. With one knee bent, his arm dangled over it, he leans and turns his head to look at the goldrider. "Need a favor." Yes, he'd ask now, of all times. << It /is/, >> Sehkrath replies emphatically. << I was sure he hated me. But now, I know he does not. The emptiness will pass. >> Hers, not His.
"Not the first person to come to me these days asking for a favor." Like the horrid attempt by a particular brownrider. Still, Miniyal's oblique reference to this is as without emotion as everything else, what little there has been, she has said so far. "What is it you require of me?" So formal in phrasing. << We had worried. That he might do harm some way, but the worry has passed. You will do well together. It is good. >> She has said it before. And for all he is older than her, if only by a short while, Peloth gives the impression that it is not the case. She does try so hard to be older. << It will pass. But then she will have to be filled again. That will take time. I will take care of it. >>
Minutes older he may be, but when it comes to taking the position of youngest, Sehkrath's soft, young voice and mannerisms make him well-suited. << If anyone can handle filling, >> and this is an attempt at humor which, from him, is awkward at best, << it's you. >> It's a reference, a nod, to Peloth's way. "I don't-- I don't wanna be that guy." Because for all that R'en might be grumpy and surly, he's also human. He cares. "I just, Tavaly's been gone. Long time, now. Was wonderin' if you might know anything."
If she expected just that question she gives no indication of that fact. What she does do is turn her head so she might look at R'en and let out a sigh. A mannerism that seems to be just that. Something to be done that holds no meaning. "I have no information on that subject, I am afraid. I might hazard a guess, but a guess is all it would be, R'en." Here she looks away again, staring once more across at the wall. "R'vain and Roa will know. Ask them." Peloth lets her answer come in just a flash of amusement and pride. Indeed she can. There is no need to speak of it. Instead she says something else. << She does not wish to get in trouble. Or to get someone else in trouble. But she knows something. Or thinks she does. >>
There was a time when R'en turned her away for this sort of service. The world's been turned upside-down. She makes him pause to think with her word choices, his eyes narrowed at the far wall and his finger tapping his knee. "How," he finally begins, "/hazardous/," that was careful, "would that guess be?" As in: how /much/ trouble? Sehkrath ducks his big, ugly head and twitches a wing. This new pose is his secretive one. Nevermind that all the secrets are in his head at the moment. << Do you know what she knows? And does she know that you know what she knows? >>
He may be secretive, but Peloth is so firm in her belief that her and her rider are always right she has no need to be. All she does is turn her head so she might nudge her rider and receive for her trouble scratches to an eyeridge. << I know. She knows I know. She does not always know what I know. >> Again with the pride, it warms up her usual cool tone a fraction. "I have been told little of what they do. But what I have been told would allow me to make an educated guess." Miniyal twists the ring on her finger, around and around.
"Alright." That seems reasonable. R'en moves only his eyes to meet the look Sehkrath gives him, then returns his attention to Miniyal. "What'll it take for me t'hear it, this educated guess o'yours?" And meanwhile, he isn't alone in his efforts. << What does /she/ know? >> the bronze questions calmly, but the buzz of excitement, the thrill of being useful, is steady in the background of his mind.
Rider and dragon are silent together. Miniyal staring at the wall and Peloth letting her eyeridge be scratched. When the answer comes, it comes from the gold. There is no way to tell /why/ it is done that way. Perhaps had someone been privy to conversation between rider and dragon they might have known. Since no one was, all that is known is that Sehkrath is the one who gets to share this information with the bronze weyrling. << She believes they were sent to be messengers. To the mine place. >> And Miniyal just sits there with the ring twisting around on her finger. Lalala. She has no idea what goes on.
Which was pretty much what Sehkrath was hoping for, that they, he and Peloth, could carry on like good little dragons do and not have to worry about theirs being overheard or incriminated later on. What the dragon knows, afterall, the rider does not always share. Once he has this information he passes it along without moving, without even blinking. R'en, however, is not so schooled when it comes to his reactions. The telltale clench of his jaw is something. But instead of verbalizing whatever anger he's feeling, he stares hard at Miniyal. Afterall, she's silent. Maybe he's just waiting her out. He's also asking Sehkrath one more favor. << Ruvoth's and Tialith's would know? >>
If he's waiting her out he'll have to wait a short while longer. Clearly Miniyal is just trying to think of something she wants in exchange for this information. << Yes. She believes so. >> Peloth enjoys sharing secrets. Especially if she believes it is going to help her rider at all. "I'm sorry, R'en. I do not like to share what is only a guess. If I were to give out the wrong information. . .I have a reputation. It would damage it. I wish I could help you." All said without looking at him. Like she's just talking to herself.
<< Then that is good. >> It's Sehkrath's turn at Peloth's script. When Miniyal finally speaks R'en tightens his mouth and tries to act like he's only annoyed at his own impotent attempt. After a long moment, possibly spent talking hurriedly to his other half, he speaks again. "Well that's a real shame." << Thank you. >> Without another word he pushes himself to his feet and heaves a sigh. No doubt a great deal of self control is going into keeping him from bolting. "You ever think of anything, let me know. Somehow."
"I will make some inquiries. If I hear anything I will let you know." She turns her head and watches him rise. Miniyal stays where she is, twist goes the ring and that is all. "It is hard to investigate these days." Peloth doesn't move her head as it might interfere with the scratches and that would be ridiculous. << You are welcome. We are happy to help. >> A mental nudge of affection is given to the bronze from the gold. << Thank you. It is good she is helpful. It helps. >>
At first there's nothing verbal from him, only a wrapping up of that affection and of the gold who gave it in a brief squeeze, a hug without arms. Then, << We will be back. He will talk to her more. Do not tell him I said so, but he does care. >> "Reckon so. Thank you." Which is more meaningful a thank you than a mere 'can't help you now but I'll keep my eyes peeled' would deserve. "I'll see you," he adds next, hesitating like he might be deciding against leaving. But he ends up doing just that anyway and, after giving Peloth a brief and gentle nudge under her chin with his muzzle, Sehkrath rises to follow.