Ciphers, go, bending the rules. That's right. It's all here!

Nov 26, 2006 21:45

Who: Miniyal and Neiran
Where: Records Room
When: 18:06 on day 8, month 11, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Old habits are hard to break. Even though she doesn't work there anymore Miniyal helps Neiran locate what he needs. It's not cause she's nosy. It's because she wants to help! Really.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is 18:06 on day 8, month 11, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

It's dinnertime at the weyr. The caucus students pretending to, or actually, working have begun to flee. Well, many already have because they must change for dinner and the like. Their clothes as few of them have the wit to truly change. Or so some thing. One of those with that general attitude is Miniyal. She's seated at a table reading from a stack of hides. There are no implements of work with her so she must be doing some casual reading. Curious reading at least as she seems quite involved in it although she can still manage to keep track of the ins and outs of people. Sure, it's not even close to being her job anymore, but that doesn't stop her from doing it. Habits and all that.

Although forced to stand outside of the entrance to allow some of his peers to exit in pursuit of their meals, Neiran shows no signs of irritation or impatience when he finally slips inside of the large cavern. With purpose, but no haste, he makes for the area where one can return materials to the care of the recordskeepers. Two scrolls, and one coptic-bound little manuscript pass from his hands to an attendant. Of course he always takes out the maximum number of materials, and returns them well within the alloted sevenday loan period. He's finished with his tract on ethics and those scrolls about philosophy, and having surrendered them into the helper's keeping, he inclines his head in silent thanks and moves off. He's bound for the far-off gloom of the large cavern, where the musky smell of knowledge hangs thicker in the air, and the murmurs of students studying gives way to silence. The healer doesn't look to be loitering idly in search of something to catch his eye, but rather, after only a moment of hesitation, turns himself towards the section of shelves that holds the more obscure topics.

When something she reads makes her frown, Miniyal will often look away. As if by not staring at the words she can make them read differently when next she bends her head to the text at hand. Although this never works the way she wishes she still does this. A ritual or habit she has then that will not be broken. Further reading finds her frown increasing and she shakes her head in annoyance. Not that it is hard for her to look annoyed in this room where so many people have annoyed her over so many turns. Another line makes her frown and with a stomp of one foot she rises from her stool and takes up the hide. It has so offended her that she will now return it to where it belongs. While she saw Neiran enter she thought nothing of it. Instead she just heads for where she is going. That it will intersect with where he goes means nothing to her as she doesn't seem aware of it. Perhaps she is after all? Well, that is her own business and she just goes about her way as if not aware of anyone else.

The Journeyman has no problem navigating the stacks to reach what it is that he wants. His familiarity with the filing system here makes it impossible to assume that he's found himself in this particular section without intention. There's grammar and style manuals here, graphology lexicons, and criticisms of old literary works. Amidst this jumble of language-related topics is, supposedly, at least a scroll or two on ciphers. After looking at the tags of a few scrolls, the Journeyman scans the shelf and begins zeroing in on that particular subject matter. By the time Miniyal finds him, he has a scroll of poetic analysis in his hand which is being regarded with blank-faced contemplation, the man utterly unaware of any other living presence nearby.

Moving quietly like only a recordskeeper can, Miniyal does her best to not attract notice from anyone. Because she doesn't wish to disturb people, of course, and not because she wishes to sneak about spying on people and the like. That would be ever so wrong. She wanders a row or so down from where Neiran is to replace the hide that has been bothering her. Once this is done pauses, considering. With a decided shrug she takes her steps this time to where Neiran is, moving just as quietly as always. When she reaches the row he is studying she pauses and then clears her throat. "Finding everything alright, journeyman?" Not that it is her job anymore to worry about that. Habits. . .that's been said, yes?

At the sound of Miniyal's familiar voice, he raises his head and slowly turns towards that sound. His brow raises, perhaps in acknowledgment that it isn't her job any longer to be asking such a question - but he's developed the social grace to refrain from brusquely pointing out such a thing. Rather, he slides the tube of poetry back into its place, and folds his hands behind his back. The woman is given a view of his aquiline profile when he regards the shelves again, and seems to address them. "I have not found it yet, but I believe I am in the correct subsection." His eyes are still tracing the tags as he speaks, slowing down his paced voice even further. Dismissive? Not quite, but certainly he's not forthcoming with the object of his search; but that's nothing unusual.

"Well, if you need assistance just let me-Oh." Oh. She's remembered, perhaps, that it is indeed not her job any longer. Shaking her head, Miniyal grins faintly. "Well, then I guess I am just being nosy some would say since it's not my job to help you anymore. But that's not truly the case. I don't mean to intrude on your studies. It's an interesting section." She must mean where they stand. "Of course, compared to what I have been reading I cannot imagine anything being less interesting." She's nearly babbling. Miniyal. Babbling. It's such an odd thing. "I'm sorry I've not tracked you down yet to speak to you for my history. I've been tied up with a few things. I hope you are still interested in participating in it? I am pleased somewhat with my progress so far at least."

Neiran's dark eyes lower and focus on that grin, giving it a deadpan examination. His gaze remains there, watching her lips move as though he can see the words themselves bubbling forth from it. Once she's come to a halt in her narrative, his eyes slide up and meet hers. "You are not intruding," he offers tolerantly, voice leaden enough that sincerity is conveyed despite his lack of expression to match it. "I am certain that you will make an appointment at a time appropriate for both of us; I have not decided to retract my offer of participation." A pause, during which he looks at the shelf again. His eyes go down to the lower shelves, the ones that require crouching to gain access to, and he stares there. "It is good that your project has progressed well," he notes, absently, staring at where he hopes the information on ciphers must be. But he hasn't quite built up enough motivation and initiative to crouch to retrieve one, yet.

"Well, good then. It's very odd. I mean, not the not intruding thing, but. . .it's just weird." Miniyal does not elucidate as to what exactly is weird. Instead she studies the shelves, staring at them as if she doesn't know what is where. "I think so. People have finally started really talking to me I think. It's weird because one would think most people would want to talk all the time about how things influence their lives. But, I guess not so much still with some. I still have to get Sinopa to remember her appointment with me. It's impossible to get her to agree to see me. And the weyrleader still. . .well, I have to hope he will see me again since we didn't do so well last time." Shaking her head she stops. "What are you looking for? Not that you need to tell me. But perhaps I can tell you where. . .well, yes."

"People will discuss themselves at length when uninvited, but their tongues shrink when they're requested to make statements that will outlive them and their context," Neiran replies calmly, evidently finding nothing odd in a hesitancy to discuss things at length for the purpose of preservation. His words sound rather like an adage from an old text, recited so naturally that he doesn't break his concentrated stare. Not everyone would be able to read the little tags from their own height, but the Journeyman seems to be doing so; what ones are already turned up to his view, that is. "Ciphers. I wish to learn of them."

Miniyal's head tilts at the answer to her question, but she doesn't do anything but step closer to the shelf, maintaining her distance from Neiran. No sense making him feel crowded. "An interesting subject. I was just doing some reading the other day on them so I know right where they're located." As if she wouldn't know anyway since she does seem to always know where everything is in here. She crouches down, the shelf one up from the bottom. Pointing to half of the shelf she smiles briefly. "Here we go. It's all very basic stuff I am afraid. I am planning a trip soon to the harper hall. Perhaps I might find something good there and if so I would gladly make a copy of what I obtain for you to read as well. If you wish?"

Neiran watches the woman crouch and indicate the shelf, and smile up at him. A few seconds pass, measured in the length of a slow breath, until the Journeyman responds. "I would not ask you to trouble yourself on my account. This study is nonessential. However, if it would gladden you and you find yourself with time which needs filling with an occupation, I would not be displeased to find myself the recipient of such information." Inexplicably his hand outstretches, palm up. Presumably he's waiting for her to pass something to him, since she's gone ahead and saved him the trouble of crouching. "I have no doubt that Harper holds more extensive writings on the topic," he adds.

"Considering all they hide from everyone I assume there will be plenty there. I hope to see anything, well, I have hopes I might use the assistance of someone to get access to anything interesting." Miniyal shrugs at this and then looks back at the shelf. From it she selects three texts. "Here. Look these over. They're the best we have I think although the others have their own uses and pieces of interesting information." She remains where she is until he's taken the items from her and only then does she stand up and take a step back so their space is, once again, sufficient so neither is uncomfortable. "I shall copy anything interesting for you. It is hardly any time at all I think to do so. When you've been copying as long as I have you don't even think about it, it just gets done."

The Journeyman adroitly gathers the three texts to himself when they are proffered, and regards Miniyal plainly once she's stepped back sufficiently. "Your volunteered assistance in this matter is appreciated. Thank you." Two small blinks of his narrow eyes follow on the heels of that sentence, suggesting some circling doubt. It goes unexpressed, and instead he merely looks down at the materials he's now in possession of, then to Miniyal once more. "However, I had intended to borrow one item on another topic." And with a maximum loan of three items, one of the things in his hands will have to be returned. "I would ask your advice on which of these materials is the least informative, so I may return it."

Frowning a moment at the items she has handed over, Miniyal shakes her head. "I really couldn't say. They all are about the same as far as information goes. You might look them over briefly beforehand and see if they suit." Head tilting to one side she grins briefly. "Oh. Actually, give me one and I shall check it out and loan it to you so you might compare them at the same time. Honestly, I never actually borrow items from here. I usually read what I wish while in here." A pause and then she adds, "Well, and I am working my way through Gans' collection. He has some most interesting items on his shelf and until I've read them all I don't think I'll be looking for things from here so much." Another pause and she glances towards the healer and then away with a shrug. "Unless you don't wish me to. It's just an offer. I mean, there's no reason you should, but if you wish. . .well. Yes."

Some people gladly scoop up any free assistance offered to them, like hounds given a ham. On the other hand, there are men like Neiran who peer at such assistance from afar, and only accept it hesitantly after prolonged consideration. His narrow features do much to hide the slight increase of wariness on his visage, thankfully. "...Yes," he says at length, unintentionally echoing the woman. "I would be appreciative." Another pause, and his eyes drift to the shelves once more. "If I may ask another favor outside of your duty, I would ask where I might find...texts on games. Board games." Somehow, saying the word 'game' seems to displease the Journeyman, the corners of his mouth tugged downwards a little when he looks at the woman again.

Folding her hands in front of her Miniyal seems willing to wait forever for him to give her an answer. There's no apparent care for the answer. He will either take her offer or not and when he does she nods once. "Then I shall check out the one by Herz for you and you may return it here when you are done. I suppose I should have considered this loophole when I made the rule, but if it is an issue so far no one seems to have mentioned it. I will ask Navan about it because I am curious." Shaking her head she blinks and then tips her head from one side to the other. Not so much observing him as observing the area he is in. It involves less chances of making eye contact. "What sorts of games? I mean, there are a number of types of board games. Are you trying to learn to play one?"

Learning to play one? Will he confess to such a thing? "Perhaps," Neiran replies, guardedly. "I do not think that the term 'game' is adequate, but it is the only available term. Specifically, I am interested in Go." Not as common as chess is in Hold, Hall, and Weyr, but not as obscure as another game could be. Rather than elaborate on it or directly ask the woman if she's heard of it, he simply regards her in silence again.

"Go. . .I don't think I've played that one. But, we should have something on it, yes." Well, the former recordskeeper seems sure of it at least. She gives it not a second thought that he wishes to learn about a game. Instead Miniyal asks, "You wanted it now?" Just in case she's interpreting correctly. He might be asking for later. "I've got my hands full these days with backgammon and chess. I cannot get the hang of chess. My mindset is not really what it should be to play well I am told. Although I have read everything on it that I can find. It's annoying. And frustrating. Have you played? Gans says it is a game of war and that might be why I cannot wrap my head around it. Well, either way." Shrugging her shoulders she breaks off there. Babbling again. Maybe it's the staring.

"I had it in mind to retrieve it today, yes," he concurs. "I have not sat before a chess table, but I understand its rules and principles and have observed a few games. From what I understand, Go is a subtler game of conquest, less defined and concrete in its goals and plays." Those statements speak for themselves as obvious reasons why he would choose it over chess. Neiran remains lingering, a brow lifted in slight expectation - lead the way to the game of subtle conquest.

Off she goes then, across the records room to the section that will contain what he seeks. Rather than speak, Miniyal leads the way in silence. Perhaps she has nothing to say or perhaps she is just considering what to say. When they reach the proper section she glances at the tags without really seeing them. "Ah, should be close by. I continue to read on chess, but it doesn't make sense. I mean, it should be simple if you follow the laid out guidelines of play. People who are regarded as masters of the game have written much on it. Somehow it never turns out the way it should. I am determined to win a game before I die, but I fear unless I start playing with children barely cognizant of the rules I will have little luck." As she speaks she reaches for something on the shelf and holds it out without glancing at the tag.

"I do not know that anyone here is more enthusiastic about Go than chess. If I learn it, I will have the advantage of being able to study situations and problems without anyone demanding I exhibit what I have learnt. I do not know that there is a board and pieces here." Neiran takes the offered scroll, and after tucking the other items under his arm, he opens it to glance through the contents. Finding little diagrams of a Go board, with explanations of different plays and problems for the student of Go to solve, he can roll it up and re-insert it into the tube with silent satisfaction. "I wish you luck in your...chess endeavors. Thank you once again for your assistance," he intones, inclining his head with the thanks elegantly extended.

"That makes sense. Well, good luck learning the game. If you cannot locate a board yourself I'm sure I can." Miniyal smiles, lalala. No cares in the world, she's just offering because she's a nice person. Or something. Well, she doesn't seem overly concerned with being nice or helping out. It merely sounds as if she's willing to help out anyone who does not manhandle excessively her babies here in records. "I'll just let them know up front which of the items should go under my name and it won't be a problem. If you've time within the next couple of sevens I shall seek you out for an interview. I can't imagine being that busy coming up. I hope. Usually it just means something horrid has happened to keep me busy. Well, anyway. I'll let you go now. I suppose I had best wrap up and get to dinner."

Doesn't seem to know quite what to make of such profuse offers of assistance made without his request; but then, he doesn't always seem to know what to make of others, so Miniyal shouldn't take particular offense that his default response is to simply stare at the woman. Wasn't this the one with whom he shared perhaps three words with during their first meeting? "Thank you," he reiterates. "I may be busy in the next sevenday, depending on how tomorrow's Fall goes. Please seek me out at your leisure for a more concrete appointment." He inclines his head once more, and turns to check the items out, before he'll retreat to the barracks with his esoteric board games and ciphers.

Miniyal is quite willing to let him go without another word. She just heads towards the table where her things were and begins to gather them up so she can return them. She'll wait until he's gone to handle the part that involves her. No need talking /too/ much. Not that she hasn't already. Ah, well.


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