In which our heroine randomly chats!

Nov 24, 2006 22:26

Who: Miniyal and E'wan
Where: Northern Bowl
When: Afternoon on day 4, month 11, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.
What: Absolutely nothing. No, really. Miniyal is working and E'wan totally starts a conversation and so the two stand outside freezing as they chat about nothing. (Wow. We sound like Seinfield!) At some point you will ALL curse Gans for these sorry attempts of Min's to be social.


At High Reaches Weyr, it is afternoon on day 4, month 11, turn 2 of the 7th Pass.

It's shortly after lunchtime and there's lots of people in the bowl going back to their work or finally getting away from their work to go get that lunch. This time of year no one really likes being outside, but it does happen. One of those people outside is Miniyal. Clutched in one hand is a pair of cases used to transport hides in safely. She's heading towards the weyrleader's complex it looks like, hugging the rim of the bowl rather than hurry straight across. It affords some protection from the cold with a single wall right there to block some wind. The hand not holding the case holds closed a coat she didn't bother buttoning up before hurrying out on some errand or other.

E'wan looks rather annoyed, really, standing in the cold with an unbuttoned jacket and missing gloves. He's holding a hide, himself, that would appear to look like a letter or some such thing. The look on his face would give away that he's concentrating awfully hard on reading whatever it is, and the red tint to his fingers would give away that he's been standing outside for a while. Why he hasn't bothered to button up and get properly warm? Too interested...or trying to ignore his lifemate. Either way. He catches a glimpse of Miniyal out of the corner of his eye and glances up at her for a moment. Then he waves his frost-bitten fingers as well as he can and attempts a smile. "Afternoon," he offers.

Miniyal comes to a stop and peers around. Oh. Yes, someone /was/ talking to her. Stomping her feet on the ground to keep the blood flowing she tilts her head and then spits out hair that escaped the back of her coat to try to choke her. "It is, isn't? Sharding cold. You standing out here trying to freeze to death?" Well, he /could/ be after all. Unlike her who is just trying to do her job and then go get warm again. "Could at least do up your coat."

E'wan furrows his brow at being spoken to in the way he was, but tries to brush it off. "Well I'm not the one taking the /long/ way 'round," he quips, still trying to sound somewhat pleasant. If he wasn't freezing, he would just shoot a dirty look at Miniyal and not do up his coat...but years and years of having a testy mother taught him better than that, and he hesitantly does as he's told. Tough? No. Soft as a cookie. The hide he was holding seems wet (more than likely from some accident that his lifemate was the cause of), so he folds it and cautiously puts it in his pocket with shaking hands. E'wan brushes his growing bangs out of his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Would you like me to carry something for you so you can put your hands in your pockets, or somethin'?"

She'd be appalled to think she made someone react the way he would to his mother. Luckily Miniyal is clueless about that and so can continue on. Another swipe of her hand at her hair and she frowns. "What? No. No, I'm fine. I just have to deliver these for Roa and. . .Well, straight across, you might notice, leaves you exposed to the wind all the way. Besides, less likely to be squished by someone coming in for a landing this way." Nodding her head at this she peers curiously at the pocket the hide went into. "What were you doing out here anyway? There's inside places to try to read something. Seems sorta dumb to stand out here and risk losing fingers. Or worse, having to visit the healers."

E'wan gets a playful little smirk on his face as he says, "Well taking the short way might be cold, but it wouldn't last as long, now would it? And a dragon wouldn't land on you...I promise." He shoots her a look, unable to think of a good comeback and just lets out a long, exhausted sigh. "Well I /was/ in the hot springs trying to get my dragon to bathe himself for once, but he was giving me trouble so I came out here for a while. Then I got caught up in this letter here," and he pats his coat pocket, "and lost track of time. Then /you/ came along and started talking to me." Touche.

"Actually, if you'll cast your mind back to a few moments ago? You might recall that /you/ said hello first." Miniyal smirks at that and grabs her coat to hold it closed, feet stomping again. So, there. "And, how do you know? Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't. For that matter, we have no proof it has never happened. It's not the sort of thing that would be recorded, would it? Don't want people knowing about it if they do that." Changing hands, she holds the cases in the other and tucks the free one into a pocket. "How're your parents?" Asked politely, because that is what one does, even when standing in the cold muck, be polite.

E'wan grins and replies, smugly, "Yes, but you didn't have to plunge into conversation. In fact, you didn't /have/ to say anything at all! You could have replied with a simple 'Hello' and been on your way, but you were the one who prodded. This is fun!" He promptly shoves his fists into his pockets and shrugs a shoulder as he starts swaying a bit to try getting some warmth, as if it would help any. "My parents are okay. Dad's been a little grumpy at the cold, but other than that they're same as always. How about yours?" he asks, seeming to be interested. He can be sweet if he tries. Sometimes.

Miniyal rolls her eyes and glances about as if looking for a polite escape. Alas, there are none and so she just looks back at E'wan. "I'm horribly sorry. Lately it seems like everyone and their kid sister wants to make me talk. Trust me, I have no desire to engage in unneeded or unwanted conversation so feel free to turn around and walk off." Because she won't leave first. That's like giving in or something and now that he's pointed out she started this, or something, she's just not going to let it go. "My parents are fine, thank you. Navan's working people to death in records and Corin is, I am sure, being her usual overbearing self in the kitchen." Well, she's honest at least. And doesn't figure her mother will find out what she said. "Always cold this time of year. Happens like it always does." Brilliant observation!

E'wan looks horribly satisfied at her acceptance of failure to win this little game, and folds his arms instead of keeping his fists in his pockets. Much warmer. "Aw, I didn't mean to be rude, but you /did/ start it. I'm only helping by pointing out the obvious. Besides, I wouldn't just walk off, I /do/ have manners!" Believe it or not. He's not about to walk off, either, it would make him look too proud! As if that wasn't noticable anyway. Clegath, his "faithful" blue, emerges from the baths still very warm, and gets close enough to Miniyal to send a warm wuff of air her way that might even smell somewhat sweet from the sands used to wash him. E'wan seems to say something to his lifemate on the side, and then looks back at Miniyal with a forced smile. "Glad to hear your parents are...well..." Said with caution, of course, given the bitter description of them. "So what exactly is in those hides that you're delivering, again?"

Miniyal wrinkles up her nose and then glances towards her destination once more. Since she can't get away she just doesn't. . .leave. "Yes, well, I still maintain you started it by speaking in the first place. No one else spoke to me when I was making my way from one spot to the other." Shrugging her shoulders she starts when there's suddenly warm dragon air behind her. It makes her shiver all over again, that blast of warm air, but she doesn't complain. Warm is good right now and somehow she's stuck out in the cold conversing. It is, of course, all some crazy old man's fault, but she doesn't go. "They're always well." Parents most likely. "They're good at what they do." She sounds pleased about this, no irritation this time when speaking of them. "I didn't say."

E'wan is just beaming, trying not to laugh, and he lets her win because he feels like being a gentleman for the moment. "Alright, I admit defeat. I started it." He looks a little disappointed at his amusement leaving until Clegath's entrance makes her stop in her tracks. "I see my dragon has prevented you from leaving. Too bad he's so rotten, or you might be able to cuddle up to him and get warm," he says with a teasing tone. Appearing to be bored with the subject of parents and intrigued by the new topic of what's in the hides, and he takes a curious step forward. "Is it some sort of important Weyr business?" Mischief is just dancing all over his face, and one could guess by the smile he's wearing that he might attempt to play a game of keep-away with Miniyal's work. Bad, /bad/ rider.

"He hardly stopped me. I could easily walk right past him." Miniyal takes a step to the side to prove her point. Eyes narrowing she tucks the hand holding the cases into her coat. "It's the weyrwoman's business. I'm afraid it's not anymore important than anything else I do. What was in that letter you were reading?" Shrugging her shoulders she uses her free hand to push hair back off her face again. One would think she'd tie it up and yet it just flies wherever it will when it sneaks free of her coat. "Does that work?" Blinking she stares at E'wan. "I mean, do you always use your dragon to keep women from fleeing. Is it that hard to get one to talk to you?"

Clegath looks curiously at Miniyal before walking /around/ her to sit next to his rider. E'wan's grin remains as she asks about his letter and he shrugs a shoulder casually. "Oh nothing important. Just...from a relative." Then on the comment of his needing a dragon to get a girl to talk to him he laughs. "Shards and shells! No, I don't use him to keep women from fleeing! If I /really/ want to get a girl to talk to me I just use charm." He has /charm/? "Do you always use sarcastic remarks to keep men interested in your conversations? Are you really that boring?"

Miniyal laughs quietly, nearly silently. "What? No. Usually men and women flee from me all the time when I approach. Because I'm not good at this being social thing." Gasp! Noo! Well, at least she knows it. "As for being boring? Well, yes. I'm probably the most boring person in the weyr. It's not really much of a surprise, you know? I mean, you've lived here your entire life and probably couldn't even remember me even though I've seen you about and so that clearly makes me quite boring." Shaking her head she tugs her coat closed more tightly. "I am not being sarcastic anyway. I was honestly curious if you used your dragon to help you meet women. It's not as if you're the only one. Usually the ones with little personality rely on someone else's personality. It's been my observation anyway." Said as if she hadn't a care in the world about it at all. She's just reciting something she thinks without thinking about saying it.

E'wan actually looks sincerely kind for a few precious moments, as it might be hard for people to actually bring out that side of him most of the time. "Well if it counts for anything I don't think you're boring! Would I still be talking to you if I wasn't having fun?" And on the comment of riders using their dragons for meeting women, "A true observation...but I'm actually attempting at being a respectable rider that uses common sense and can impress people with his own ideas and personality than using that of his lifemate. That's all. He's just mischevious on his own, I don't have to tell hime to be that way."

Miniyal stomps her feet more and hunches her shoulders, using her free hand to pull the collar of her coat up. "I am boring. It's fine. I am quite happy to be boring. It's good." Nodding her head at this she glances from rider to dragon and back. "I see. Got big plans for your future?" She sounds curious. Well, and cold as her teeth chatter a bit as she asks, but not enough to force to run off and hide somewhere warm. "Do you have ideas then? Or are you just keeping your head down and all? Seems plenty of that is going on which is why I'm wondering. That and I enjoy boring people in the cold. If I keep you here long enough I figure you'll be the same color as your dragon. Probably not healthy, but it would look interesting." Now she's babbling or something. This is probably not good.

E'wan's only response to her first comment about herself is the shake of his head, somehow showing his disagreement with what she says. "I don't know if the plans for my future are necessarily big, but I like to think that I could make a difference somehow," he states with a very serious tone. "I just feel like riders get reputations that aren't the greatest for some of the stupid things they do a lot of the time, and I don't want to be one of those people. There are only a few good ones around here who haven't mudded up there names, that I've run into anyway." Babbling on must be contagious in the winter. Cold air transfers these things well, it would appear. "I have ideas...but I'm not really sure of them yet. I guess I'll never know if they're good unless I try, right?" After a minute of silence from him, he asks, "Are you happy with what you do? Do you have any big plans for the future?"

Miniyal can't seem to help it and she laughs again. "I was supposed to not have to answer that anymore, you know?" Well, he probably doesn't know, but she's going to explain it seems. Definitely must be the cold. "My life is complicated. The short version? I spent months after resigning as head of records being pestered by everyone about what I was going to do with my life. I thought when I took the position as Roa's assistant I would get to /stop/ having to answer that question." Frowning a moment she shakes her head and then shrugs. "But, if you really want to know? I want to fix things. That's all. It's not big. But there's a lot broken and no one else is fixing it so I will. One way or the other." She doesn't mean to sound kinda creepy when saying things like that. It just comes out that way.

E'wan just nods his head and says, "Oh...sorry I asked, I didn't know." Poor thing seems rather embarrassed at that. But then he's fine again and replies, "Then it seems like we kind of want the same thing, doesn't it? We're just going to go about it in different ways...I mean, I don't think you could really do your job riding a dragon, but I can. Or at least I can help keep this place safe long enough for you to fix everything or something. I guess we could go cliche and call it 'teamwork' huh?" He smiles a bit and then blows on his cupped hands to make them warmer. "Well...we should probably get inside. Sorry I kept you out here so long," he says before checking Clegath's straps and preparing to mount. "We've both got fixing to do, right? Heh."

Miniyal blinks a few times and then nods once. "Teamwork. Right." She smirks at this, looking amused overall. "Anyway. Right. I'd best get these in and you can't freeze. Unless you're going for sympathy." Frowning thoughtfully she finally shakes her head. "Anyway, it was nice to see you, E'wan. Good day to you and Clegath." She does know everything. It almost looks like she'll add something else, but instead she just barely smiles and turns to hurry on her way, clutching her coat tightly about her and keeping her head down.

E'wan looks extremely curious at what she was going to add to that last bit and almost calls after her, but stops himself to save embarrassment. He ponders the thought of using the freezing cold to gain sympathy and makes a mental note as a little joke to himself. He hops onto Clegath's back and waves at Miniyal as she scurries off. "See you later, Miniyal! Nice talkin' to ya."


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