018 [video]

Feb 12, 2011 15:50

No, Pip. You're not supposed to eat the pawn. Put it back!

[The feed opens up to the view of --- something. It's hard to tell what it is exactly that's being recorded, because whoever has Miles' Pokégear in possession today is moving very fast (bouncing up and down, spinning and twirling), and the screen is a ridiculous blur of  omg what the hell is this for the first half a minute.

The only thing that can be made out is Miles' voice as he yells at his Growlithe to stop eating his chess pieces. When Tal the camera-wooper-man finally gets bored of bouncing and settles to sit somewhere and calmly film, what comes into view is a flustered ten-year-old sitting on the bed, pulling a pawn away from Pip and glaring at the Growlithe who is now chewing contentedly on a tennis ball. ]

Now look what you did. They've got teeth marks all over them. [A sigh, and Miles returns to setting up his game again.] What am I going to do with you, always chewing on everything...

Yip! [Well, you could always buy me a new chew toy...]

[But that gets answered by a linefais from Miles, who shakes his head and moves a pawn forward on his board; apparently, he's playing a game against himself, because he's soon reaching across the board to move a pawn from the other side, as well.

.....He doesn't get very far, though, because--]



[ --Remus the Plusle thinks it is a wonderful idea to cannonball dive right onto the chessboard with an orange egg held in his arms. Understandably, the chess pieces go flying in every which direction possible, and Miles is not a very happy camper anymore. He facepalms.]

Rem, what are you doing.

Plus! [Remus holds up the orange egg in his arms, and..... hey! Is that thing moving? And cracking? Because it sure looks like it is. Miles notices too, and the destroyed game of chess is immediately forgotten as both boy and his Pokémon are suddenly intrigued by this hatching Pokémon.

......Remember that scene from the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter), when the trio/Hagrid/Malfoy watched Norbert the dragon hatch from his egg? Yeah, imagine that - just that unlike the movie this doesn't happen in French, there are less people, and instead of a gray dragon it's a lizard with a flaming tail.

And when the Charmander sees her trainer? She sneezes - and Miles is once again assured of a few weeks of trying to keep his fingers from getting burned to death. :Db But he still looks pretty delighted, and he's soon reaching for the Pokégear that's lying nearby. (Tal, I keep telling you not to turn on the Gear without asking first-- oh, well.... )

The baby Charmander is already flopped comfortably over Miles' lap, giving the camera a 8> face. ]

The egg you gave me hatched, Phoenix. [The Charmander is smiling (not grinning, smiling) at the network. D'aww, lookit her.] I... think I'll name her Cara.

---- and I'll show her to Pess, later, too.

[[ ooc: the Charmander egg was purchased by Phoenix Wright from Riku, then gifted to Miles. :|b ]]

!ic, c: ken amada, c: shuusuke fuji, c: heather mason, c: fuu hououji, c: phoenix wright, c: merlin, c: kaito kuroba, c: franziska von karma, c: theodore, c: minnie mouse

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