017 [video/action for Goldenrod Department Store and Hotel]

Jan 31, 2011 19:55

[Backdated to Friday, January 28th, early afternoon.]

[There were lots of things about Professor Hershel Layton that Miles Edgeworth admired. The British professor was kind and intelligent, and gentle, and he'd been one of the first people Miles met upon arriving in Johto. Most of all, Hershel Layton reminded Miles of his father. Gregory Edgeworth was an irreplaceable existence to the child, but the ten year old boy, who had lost his father so suddenly, couldn't help but see the resemblance.

The thing that Miles found most intriguing was the two men's fascination with fancy hats.]


[Good afternoon, Johto, this video is brought to you by Plusle Productions™ The weather appears to be slightly better than the preceding days, as there is no storm despite the gray clouds, and while it does look terribly cold outside the window at the side of the screen, the inside of the Goldenrod Department Store in which we find Miles and the recently-awakened, just-arrived-in-Goldenrod professor looks very, very warm. ]

Yes, what is it Miles?

[The two are seated at one of the cafés in the food court, sipping what looks like tea (knowing the professor, it certainly couldn't have been instant tea, either). The camera, held by Remus, is settled on a chair adjacent to Miles, and it doesn't seem like either Layton or Miles have noticed that they were being recorded. Layton sips that tea of his, smiling fatherly.

Miles lowers his cup, rocking back and forth in his seat, probably because he's swinging his legs or something. He also seems to have a bruise on his face, but that's another story (it's just a souvenir from Nemesis the Cubone). He peers up at Layton curiously.]

Why do you always wear that hat, Professor?

[Layton's smile changes a bit - sadder? more melancholy? nostalgic? - but it returns to the way it was before Miles' question, and a hand goes to touch the brim of the top hat.]

It was a gift from a dear person, my boy.

My father always wore a hat, as well. [Suddenly, there's a small smile alighting on Miles' face. It was a strange sight, probably, as he rarely smiled this way: childish, that simple pride children held for their parents. ] Whenever he went to speak to his client, or to court, or wherever he went, really - he had a hat.

[Layton chuckles, and then -- WHOA, LO AND BEHOLD -- the world ends.

I mean.

He takes off his hat.

And, reaching over, he places it on Miles' head. It's too big, though, and falls down over Miles' eyes.]

A true gentleman always wears a hat when he goes outside. Your father must have been such a man.

[Pushing the hat higher on his head, Miles leans back in his seat, grinning.] He was. [He glances up at Layton's hat.] I wonder if they have one like it, here..

[And now the Professor is back to gentlemanlily drinking that tea. (This is where Yun is tempted to put the image of Layton with sunglasses in the minds of anyone reading this because. It's in her head fr some reason.) He quirks a somewhat-grin at Miles.] Would you like to go see, after tea?

[The grin on the boy's face couldn't get any bigger. He's nodding very, very enthusiastically.] Yes, sir!

[And THOUGH THE DAY HOPEFULLY CONTINUED THIS HAPPILY, this is when Remus the Plusle turns off the Gear, stopping his recording as he gets thirsty and decides, instead of recording the whole happy day, to clamber up to Miles' shoulder and beg his trainer to share some of that tea. :|b

And Miles returned to his hotel room that day wearing a hat that looked very, very much like his father's. Awwyeah, Professor. You so freaking rock.

Action for: Goldenrod Department Store or the Goldenrod Hotel when Miles gets back, or just plain old video/audio/text by network works, too.]

Professor Hershel Layton was written into this post with permission from his mundane, Ichi. :> ]

!ic, c: luke triton, c: ciel phantomhive, c: merlin, c: otacon, c: franziska von karma, c: hershel layton, c: shelly de killer

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