May 18, 2007 11:56
My sister does this everyday, and since the only person who would read this would be my sister, I guess this is just a diary.
Here are my thoughts of the day.
Last night I didn't sleep well even though I'm staying in a really really crazy pricey hotel in DC. Because I didn't sleep well I woke up very philosophical and filled with wonder about the world. Just kidding. I'm just cranky. So I've been thinking about my break up and how I'm proud that we lasted four years even though I'm simultaneously pissed that it lasted four years. I'm proud that we were a good couple and had a great time, but I'm pissed about being in a relationship for so long.
I'm also pissed about the serial monogamy and thinking serial polygamy is more like it.
In other news, somehow in the midst of a lot of drama from a lot of places I've lost track of the fact that I've finished my first year of b-school. I can't even believe I applied in the first place, or that I got in. To have finished, to have gotten through finals, to have a real path and to be halfway through being an MBA is so unreal.
So unreal, that I think I'll go back to bed now.
And that is my first posting ever.
La La...