[Writing] And now for something completely different!

Jan 05, 2017 10:46

So, on the heels of a Yuletide where I wrote a lot of words between two completed stories, I am diving back into the Push WIP, which I set aside in frustration last March and have only poked at occasionally in a desultory fashion since.

At some point, as part of the initial restructure effort (I decided to remove one subplot, change where critical developments took place, and some other stuff), I actually tore a few sections out and threw them into their own Scrivener projects, so I actually have no fucking clue how long this thing is. Over 90k.

That part's important.

As of yesterday, I'm retyping the entire damn thing. I now have a dual monitor set up for my laptop, which means I can do that without printing out several hundred pages. I'm retyping it in a linear fashion--I did this with "There Was, There Wasn't" when I was finishing it--so I can finally get all the connective tissue in place.

I have 961 words in the linear draft. Of the 90,000 words I'm reworking.

But it's the only way I'll be able to finish this and be happy with it. I really want to finish this and be happy with it. I'm not even sure anyone else will actually want to read it once they've taken a look at the full tag list--it's become a lot more fraught and problematic* than that original 4400-word flashfic I wrote almost two years ago--but *I* want to read it. Which means I have to finish writing it.

Which means retyping all 90k of it. Some parts will grow, some parts will shrink. My hands will hurt and my brain will destroy me. But I have to finish writing it.

Fuck. My. Life.

*Things alluded to in the original are made concrete: it has a lot more blood and violence, more pre-movie** life information that's unpleasant, there's explicit femslash with OFCs starting when Cassie's sixteen, bad-but-necessary-choices are made by her, leading to a change in how/when/why Cassie and Nick first sleep with each other, though she's still eighteen when it happens.

**The only thing I use as a source text is the actual movie. Personal choice.

Crossposted from http://minim-calibre.dreamwidth.org/817246.html. Should it tickle your fancy, you can comment there using OpenID. Comments there:
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