Evie's top molars have been coming in for a few weeks now. She did really well with them (as she has with all the teeth that have come in so far), up until Friday. On Friday she got really feverish and completely clingy and cranky. This was Evie's first time coming down with a fever from teething (happens to a lot of babies). She was burning up.
On Friday I started feeling a little funky and by nighttime I felt pretty bad. Evie was waking up every 15 minutes and just so miserable, poor little baby. I sent Randy off to sleep in the other room because there was no sense in both of us staying awake. She really just wanted me. At about 3am, exhausted and feeling even sicker, I laid down and let her latch on to me. It kept her content. After about an hour of this, I was in such bad shape... I was completely nauseated and so hot and so cold at the same time - I couldn't lie still because I ached so bad. I got up and went to the guest bedroom crying and told Randy he was going to have to take over.
Somehow he got her to go to sleep while I yakked in the bathroom.
It was awful. I slept in the guest bedroom for a couple hours and thankfully Randy handled it well and got Evie back to sleep each time she woke up.
Saturday morning found me back in bed with her, and I latched her on lying down so that I could get some rest. The thing is, I knocked out too much and at some point she fell asleep and rolled right off the bed. Somehow she managed to fall sitting up, but knocked her head on the nightstand. Randy came running in to her screaming and she reached for him. The first time she ever reached for Randy was about a week ago. Imagine Randy's delight that she wanted to be held by him. It was really cute. Not so cute this second time considering the circumstances.
Somehow we all survived it. I'm still not well, but at least I'm not yakking anymore.
In other brighter news, we took Evie to the beach for the first time a week ago. A couple of photos: