Evie's 10 Month Update

Aug 08, 2012 03:03

Evie turned 10 months yesterday. What has happened since my 6 month update?

The day after her 6 month birthday we fed her solid food for the first time. We chose avocado for her first taste. Didn't go real great the first time around, but as the week went on she liked avocado more and more. At the following link is a cell phone video taken later in the week. Evie Eating Avocado - Click Here

She finally sat up on her own on May 4th... just a few days before her 7 month birthday. Up until that point, she either sat in her bumbo chair, or outside of her bumbo chair we supported her while she was sitting because she was so unsteady on her bum. On May 4th, I got brave and sat her in a rocking chair (yeah, cuz you know if you're going to sit a baby up on their own for the first time, you should sit them on something that rocks) and ran away real quick then snapped the photo below with my cell phone. Then I ran back to her before she could even think about falling over.

Later that same day, I took her out on the front lawn and sat down with her to wait for Daddy to come home from work. I wanted him to see her first thing when he got home and feel the weight of the day's work melt away as he saw his daughter sitting on her own for the first (second) time.

On May 20th, while on the changing table, she said Da for her first time. I didn't have my camera ready and waiting and pointed at her so I missed getting it on video. Later that same day while feeding her sweet potato, she said it over and over again so I was provided plenty of time to get the magic on video.

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In my 6 month post, I had written that her two front bottom teeth started to come in right before her 6 month birthday. Well... right before her 8 month birthday, all FOUR (yes, FOUR!!) top front teeth came in at the same time.

Poor little lamb. And she did so good despite the discomfort!! She had a couple of nights where she woke up around 4am and it was almost impossible to get her back to sleep. Thank goodness for the magic of Daddy's shushing.

About a week after she turned 9 months Randy was changing her for bedtime and all of a sudden she said, "Night Night, Da Da!!" Randy and I looked at each other in shock. Two word phrasing typically doesn't happen until around 18 months. It's one of those moments you wish you had the camera rolling. The next day I kinda got her to say it on video but it wasn't even 10% as clear as it had been the previous night. See video at the following link: Night Night Da Da - Click Here

We'd been working with Evie on her crawling since around 8 months and in recent weeks she would get one knee up under her but the other would remain folded in front or slightly underneath her bum, and she would rock. On Tuesday July 31st, I took one last video in our old apartment (yes, we moved). I had thrown my keys on the carpet and she wanted them SO BAD that she crawled as if she's done it her whole life. I was expecting her first crawl would be a few "steps" and then she'd sit back to ponder it all or something. But she just took off!! Oh goodness, you should've heard me cry afterwards. You can hear the emotion in my voice in the following video. (you can also see the mess in the living room of last things to throw out/pack/clean)

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I think what finally spurred her on to crawl were the swim classes. I started a Mommy and Me Swim Class with Evie on July 30th. She didn't really do much the first day and just kinda seemed stunned by it all. The second day (July 31st) there was a little floating duck in the water that I was using to motivate her while floating her on her tummy. She wanted that duck so bad, that she started kicking like a frog and the more she kicked, the quicker I moved her towards the duck. And I have to think that a light bulb went off in her head because it was later that afternoon that she crawled for the first time. Move legs = get somewhere fast.

This past Monday, Randy came to the swim class to watch and we were sitting on the first step while Randy took some photos. All of a sudden, she grabbed the side of the pool next to the first step and pulled herself into a standing position. WHU? She barely started crawling. Can't I just get used to that before she starts the whole pulling up/cruising/walking cycle? But yeah, we were proud.

There are other little things she's done along the way that are cute and first time... our neighbor taught her how to clap about 6 weeks ago. It's cute to see her clap her excitement - sometimes over seemingly nothing!! I can't remember them all right now, but I've covered some of the bigger one's.

Another 2 months and we'll be celebrating her 1 year birthday!! It's all going by so quick and it's very bittersweet. :)  and  :(  and  :)

photos, evie bea

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