Thoughts on winter

Jan 07, 2006 18:16

Moral courage is getting out of bed and out of shower on cold days.

Always a good excuse for an extra dose of hot tea. :D

It is also a time for my Grandma to show off the muffler I knitted for her to her friends. *_*

WarmerGotchi and hotpots are bare necessities.

Good to feel layers of quilts heavy enough to flatten me :D

Winter brings forth a spell of itchiness. T_T

First time I ever went to Ocean Park with ethocaine. Had a great time, thanks for accompanying me there >w<
It was so crowded that lining up for food, games and even bathroom was a battle. And my nephew, in a disciplining humour, reprimanded me for sticking my hand out of the cable car.
We discussed different ways of serving seafood in the aquarium and gave Roman names to all rayfish. Males are Raydiuses and females are Raydias. The head of the rayfish household would be Raydius Caesar. Tossing it into a bowl with some veggie would make it a good Caesar Salad. *drools*

Msn is being gay all the time. It gets disconnected everytime I go off for dinner.
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