mini_muses Prompt Set 17

Sep 26, 2010 13:07

mini_muses is a Community geared to muses under 18. I'm cross-posting our prompts to writers_muses in hopes of attracting members, so feel free to pass our link along to any muns of child muses you know. Prompts are done monthly and membership is open, we hope you'll join us.


A. “Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn.” Elizabeth Lawrence

B. “When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween." Author Unknown

2. Ficlet: Halloween is coming, have your muse share their best scary story with us, real or imagined.

3. Photo Prompts: Pic A., Pic B.

4. Random Words & Ideas Prompts: alive, below, cold, fist, hat, grim, jeweled, kitchen, none, quick, rash, territorial, zeal

5. Mun Prompt: Do you have a preferred play for your muse? For example, is he or she best suited for serious story based writing, or does his best voice come from those interactions that spontaneously arise through role-play. If such is the case, do you confine yourself to playing within a specific fandom to achieve this, or are you able to accomplish this no matter who he interacts with? Share some of your experiences with us.
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