Why I posted my last post about myself

May 15, 2010 17:44

The last post I posted dealt with abuse I'd had in my past. The reason I posted that is because I hadn't spoken about it before but I'd had an epiphany.

I realized that as a feminist and a woman who believes in equality I needed to acknowledge the inequality and abuse that women endure, and in order to do that I needed to acknowledge what I had gone through. By denying it had happened to me, I was doing a disservice not only to myself and my own mental health but to all other women who have been abused in some way.

By writing it down and posting it in a public forum I was forced to face the ugly things that had happened to me. By facing them I was able to hold it in front of me and say "This happened to me. It was ugly and bad and should never have happened but it DID happen. That doesn't mean it has any power over me. I have a good life and I am where I want to me. That did not break me."

It took away the fear and dread I had carried in the back of my mind for far too many years. By burying my pain and fear I was still letting those who had hurt me to live on in my head. By holding it up to the light I can compare it to what I have and say "I have grown, this hasn't stopped me."

That's why I posted about what I went through. To cleanse myself.

Guess what? It worked. 
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