[i don't know why i love you, but i do]

Apr 10, 2007 11:55

many unrelated paragraphs:
  1. there's a sports night renaissance going around on livejournal, and it couldn't make me happier. two new communities that you might have missed are csc_memo, a noticeboard community for sports night fic, icons, meta and everything else under the sun, and sn_playbook, a flashfiction community modeled on ds_flashfiction and sga_flashfic. the first challenge was posted yesterday, so you should go check it out. and if that's not enough sports night fandom for you, check out celli's post about the sports night panel from muskrat jamboree, where there's lots of other exciting things in the offing.

  2. along with the sticky note i keep on my desktop with plot bunnies, i keep one with stray titles, mostly snippets of lyrics that i think will make good titles, usually attached to a fandom: a farscape story that i'm saving 'til i've watched the whole series called "i can't eat 'cause she can't cook"; a black donnellys story called "the best minds of my generation can't make bail"; a due south story (possibly my obligatory post-cotw story set in canada) called "you're at the arctic circle playing strip poker". i spend a lot of time staring at my list of titles and trying to come up with the stories that go with them, and every once in a while i go through and prune the list, deleting titles and/or appropriating the titles for things i've written that didn't have a title already (see also: every hope at any cost, which had been on the list for six months by the time i used it). am i the only person who collects titles? please tell me you guys do this, too, so i don't feel so weird.

  3. now that the thesis is turned in (see how i said that, totally off-hand? turned it in this morning, walked outside, and did a little shimmy on the front steps of my building), i am looking forward to getting back to my to-write list of plot bunnies. (after, that is, i do my homework for abstracting & indexing that's due next week, arrgh. damn it, school, i made a thesis, LEAVE ME ALONE NOW.) writing makes me happy, and no wonder i've been so cranky these last few weeks: between thesis and not sleeping and not writing fiction because of thesis, it was like the worst of all possible minervacat-headspace cases.

  4. i finally watched the first two episodes of the new season of doctor who on saturday night, and i sort of think that i've forgotten how to talk about tv, but mostly i really enjoyed them. i like martha a lot; then again, i loved rose, too, rose was the reason i started and kept watching. but i think martha's going to be good, interesting; it's a different kind of relationship with the doctor than rose's was, i think, and i'm looking forward to seeing how it develops, to seeing why she stays with him and what she makes of it once she decides to stay for longer than one trip. plus i like her family; i think her family is interesting. i'm looking forward to seeing if the doctor comes back and meets her family like he met jackie and mickey, because i certainly think it'll be a different sort of meeting than any of the ones he had with jackie and mickey.

    plus, i flat-out adored the shakespeare episode. "57 academics just punched the air!" the harry potter jokes! all the lines that the doctor provided to shakespeare! "you can't have that. why not? you didn't write it." MARTHA AS THE DARK LADY (i actually saw that coming from about 14 miles away, but it still made me clap my hands with glee when it happened). i can't help it, people, at heart i'm still a big dorky english major, and this episode was so full of dorky english major jokes that i didn't even notice if it had other flaws. doctor who is one of my happy places -- i can be critical of a lot of shows that i watch, but i watch doctor who with my brain turned off, and sometimes i'm bored but i rarely notice the bad stuff.

    so yay. the doctor is back! hooray!

  5. things i learned in the month of march include the fact that if sitting on your couch in sweatpants, a basketball jersey bearing the number of your future ex-husband and a tiara is the only way you're going to edit your thesis, sometimes it's just what you've got to do.
'sup, kids? and omgwtf is up with this weather? i moved to north carolina so i wouldn't have to suffer cold weather in april anymore, and this is just so not on. (okay, okay, so i moved to north carolina for graduate school, but there was a reason i didn't apply to a single library program north of chapel hill, for reals. AND THAT REASON WAS THE WEATHER, IE, NOT COLD.)

recs:sports night, life or something like it, numbered and lettered lists, tv:who, fannish:miscellany

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