cincodemaygirl was talking about her first rule of fanfiction (if you are unable to use commas, I am unable to read your story) which, of course, made me think of one of my biggest pet peeves in writing, ever.
So for your edification, I present the first of several many lessons in Grammar For Smut Writers.
If, in dialogue, characters address other characters by name, the name and the rest of the sentence must be separated by commas.For example, this is not correct: "Oh Dom you're so hot," Billy said. You would correct this sentence thusly: "Oh, Dom, you're so hot," Billy said.
This is correct: "Wesley, would you like to fuck on my desk?" Angel asked.
A proper name, when used to address the owner of the name in a sentence, is always, always, ALWAYS separated from the rest of the statement with commas.
Any questions?
Tomorrow: smutty examples of the difference between "hear" and "here".
everyone needs an icon that only one other person gets. this is mine.