Okay, so this is old news. Okay, so it happened 20 years ago. Okay, so likely everyone EXCEPT me already knew about this. But dang-it I JUST found out.
Now, I'm not usually one for "They deserve death" the exceptions being serial killers, who are usually pretty screwed up people (and get life sentances/death penalty for good reason) and usually a "one time" crime I can kinda understand. So they temporarily lost control. It happens, but most of us don't generally break the law when that happens. We just go home and listen to emo music, or beat up our pillows.
But THIS, this made me physically ill to read. I was reading a manga based off of the case. Got to day five, before I was so sick, I couldn't read it anymore. But it still lingered. I knew it went on for 40 days. So a few minutes ago I found a wikipedia entry. I had my hands over my mouth, and my back pressed against my chair.
The sentance these, dare I even call them humans, got is just vile. They should've gotten the death penalty, even that would have been to kind. Absolutely disgusting. Truly. I love Japan, but they need to SERIOUSLY re-think their justice system-punishments.
IF you have a strong stomach. Here's the wiki entry. Otherwise, you might be happier remaining oblivious.