Short Rant. Feel free to ignore.

Feb 03, 2009 18:31

A word to the more dense individuals in the males of the human race:
Not every female on the planet wants to have kids. Except this as fact. Some of us DO NOT WANT CHILDREN. This does not mean we were abused as kids. This does not mean we have some chemical flaw in out systems that makes us CWAZZZZY! This does not mean that we're scared of something.
It just means we don't want kids.
So please, idiots, stop trying to find out the reason. When a woman says no, here's a shock: IT MEANS NO!
Don't try to find the underlying reason when they give you a very logical one. There could, in fact not be one. Here's a shocking fact: Women are capable of making decisions, even important ones! If it's their choice NOT to want kids, well, here's the kicker: RESPECT THE DAMN DECISION! Stop trying to talk her into changing her mind. Stop telling her she's wrong, and in a few years "she'll come to her senses." (cause I swear I will punch you in the nose with the purpose of breaking said nose.)
But for goddesses sake, drop the damn subject! Once is enough, stop bringing it up once a week. No means no means no means no! Get it through yer skulls! If she says no, and it's so important, get this, there are OTHER woman out there. And THEY might want kids. So either go away, or come to terms. Men always complain about women trying to change them, well stop being so hypocritical. Women don't like guys trying to change them either. Especially on a life altering decision.

Alright, I'm done. Sorry bout that, but god I'm getting sick and tired of having the same tired old arguement with people.
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