So dad and i remembered today why we should measure door ways and the heights of ceilings BEFORE we build crap for the house. My new clothes rack is amazing but trust me when i say that i learned several new colourful combinations of swear words while we were trying to move the damn thing from the basement to my room. We barely got it out of the basement. And we only got it stuck three times going upstairs to the hallway. And that was where the real problems started. Basically it was about four inches taller than my door. So there were dad, gibbs and i and this rack wedged into the tiny landing at the top of our stairs. Finally we decided to take most of the rack apart, get it into my room and then reassemble it. Not fun. Anyway, my clothes fit awesome on it and i can actually move stuff! No more wedging crap onto it without the need of a hanger! I will post pics in the next couple of days. Today is December 27 and here is today's joke:
Bumper stickers 22
My karma ran over your dogma.
I brake for... wait... AAAH! NO BRAKES!!!!!
A fool and his money are a girl's best friend.
I'm not driving fast-just flying low.
Help starve a feeding bureaucrat.
My other vehicle is a Romulan Warbird!
Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.
"I is a college student."
If you can read this, I can hit my brakes and sue you.
see you tomorrow!