September 11. A day that started out beautiful, weather wise. It was the end of the first week of school (i was still working for the school board at that point) and then, after my afternoon break, the teacher in the room called myself and the other 2 EA's to her desk. I can remember as clear as day the look on her face and the tremble in her voice as she broke the news of what had happened. I remember standing there, trying to digest the fact that a group of terriosts had attacked New York and Washington....and that the World Trade Centres were gone. I remember asking what she meant by "gone'.
In 1995, my grade 11 history calss went to New York for a 4 day field trip. I have a picture of Times Square, complete with a banner reading "OKC New York Cares' because our trip happened about 7 weeks after Timothy McViegh bombed the Federal building in Oklahoma City. Little did anyone know, a little more than 6 years late, New York would be dealing with the same grief.
Is it wrong to NOT want to see the planes fly into the WTCs? Is it wrong that i had nightmares for weeks after it happened? Is it wrong that i still cry watching people jump to their deaths? Is it wrong that in my mind, i can't help but think 'what a cool special effect' when the footage of the second plane hitting is aired?
Some stats from September 11 2001: Times of impact: 8:46 a.m. and 9:02 a.m. Time the burning towers stood: 56 minutes and 102 minutes. Time they took to fall: 12 seconds. 2819 dead from 115 different nations. 343 Fireman/paramedics, 23 NYPD, 37 Port Authority officers