(no subject)

Nov 06, 2010 23:27

I am right now totally missing living in Buffalo. Some things I miss are general missing on the NY/ON border, like Canadian TV and Tim Horton's (I know down here people are loyal to Krispy Kremes, and I grew up on Dunkin' Donuts, but NO ONE beats Tim Horton's. No one.), but some are more Buffalo specific. Things like loganberry soda, all of the places that had fish frys on Fridays, and the insanity of Buffalo sports fans. Seriously, Buffalo loves her sports teams, even though I'm one who is convinced that there is a curse and their big teams will never win a championship (never say "No Goal", "Wide Right", or "Offsides" to Sabres or Bills fans, respectively - don't get me started on the first one, as I did listen to that game live). While watching the Sabres actually beat the Leafs tonight (yes, I'm still shocked that we won, with my luck - I don't care if it was in overtime, we still won), I was browsing, and found two gems online: part one and part two of a collection of clips of legendary Sabres radio announcer Rick Jeanneret. I recommend the Stuuuuuu Barnes (trust me, just listen to the clip to see why his name should be typed that way) and Miroslav Satan clips on page one, especially the Satan one as Jeanneret does call him "the Devil". He just proved my theory on why the Sabres were good in the late '90s: we had a god in the goal (Dominic Hasek) and Satan on defense (although his family name isn't pronounced the way you think (g)). Actually, browsing through the site, I actually do recognize folks mentioned there, as the site is a tribute to legendary Buffalo media personalities, so I think I'll be browsing there for a while.
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