Woot, I'm going to double post after a long absence! (g) As usual, I've just been too tired to post. A lot of times, I've just been too tired to even turn on my computer, seriously. Most of this has been due to work - summer reading was the usual short-handed insanity, and it hasn't slacked off that much now that school's back in session. I've been on vacation since last Wednesday, and a lot of my time at home has either been doing the usual housework or sleeping. I did go to Anime Weekend Atlanta again as part of vacation - the second post will be pics. Vacation, especially the going away part, has been good for the sole reason that I was reaching the point of feeling very homicidal and wanting to go postal. We'll see how long my current mellowish feeling lasts when I go back to work on Saturday.
Two semi-mild rants/comments:
1. To everyone that comments about how using honorifics in fansubs is only a lame fan thing, I can point to an older example that shows that pros can use them as well, even in a dub: the original Iron Chef. Cooking is rerunning it, and having read debates on some boards about fansubbing styles I noticed that not only does Iron Chef use honorifics when Chairman Kaga is subbed, but also uses them IN THE ACTUAL DUB. ("Fukui-san...") Guess what? I wasn't really watching subbed anime back when I first watched the Iron Chef dub years ago, and I never noticed this back then, because it actually sounded natural to me. I only caught it now because of fandom debates on subbing styles. I was amused, especially since it shows me that it can actually work in a dub. BTW, I also notice that they pronounce all of the names correctly, since that's a pet peeve of mine (side note: Dave Wittenberg, why can you pronounce Sasuke and Daisuke properly in Ninja Warrior, but not Shunsuke or Yusuke? Seriously, out of all of the mispronounced names in that dub, those bug me the most.).
2. Why must software developers change UI elements so that they make stuff harder, supposedly to make stuff easier for newbies? Yes, let's get rid of menus and status bars just because those are too complicated and no one actually reads the info in the status bar, and instead make complicated toolbars and hide stuff that everyone needs (coughOfficeRibboncough - aka that thing that made me switch to OpenOffice.org since it has menus and is free), or move around all of the options in a redesigned single menu so you can't find stuff, or move the stuff from the status bar elsewhere like into the location bar, so now you can't easily distinguish which URL you are at from the one you're hovering over, or get rid off easy to read messages all together that supposedly no one reads to different color states that no one will know what they mean.
Note: the status bar rants are about the latest nightlies of Firefox 4.0b7pre/Minefield, and I'm getting ticked off about the UI changes and having to hope that someone will create an extension to bring back basic functionality that I'm starting to ponder switching browsers - which sucks since Chrome, Opera, and IE all are guilty of my UI complaints as well and thus I loathe what I've seen of them. I also love how they made it so that you can't easily find exactly which build of Firefox you are using, as they hid that so that it isn't under Help | About anymore - I do like to know if my nightly did correctly update, thank you.