(no subject)

Oct 05, 2006 07:57

so. it's early and i'm tired. i feel sick to my stomach from not sleeping enough. but watching lost was way worth the missed sleep last night! i just finished glancing through the alligator and man, that paper SUCKS.
ways they could improve:
1) get someone who is either clever or artistic to do the comics. why? because they aren't funny, or drawn well. thanks.
2) stop pulling all the stories from the AP. this is supposed to be a student run paper, even if it is independent. how can people get experience if they aren't able to cover anything besides dance marathon or the most recent frat scandal?
3) stop printing crap. i just read the 'sex on the avenue' column about how chivalry is dead. the author seems to think that girls should be chivalrous too. interesting concept given the definition of the word. one would think that maybe she was suggesting that the girl plan a date and pay for the bill on occasion, but no. her idea of chivalry for women is this: "When your date holds the door open, give him a sweet, feminine smile and sincere, polite "thank-you." um...that's called being polite. being chivalrous would entail something along the lines of rescuing him from a disgruntled dragon. see, as she puts it, dudes aren't being polite and respectful anymore because girls aren't showing enough 'appreciation' which according to her is code for dishing it out. and i quote: 'chivalry can survive. when your date treats you like the lady you are, give him a smile, a hug, a "thank you" or even a kiss if you're so inclined." Next she'll be suggesting that we say things like, "Oh Jonathan, darling! how would a silly girl like me ever survive in this big, intimidating world without you by my side?!? I'm so very happy with my decision to forgo an education so that I could press your shirts every morning. oh, and much thanks for opening that door for me, i absolutely don't deserve you!" now, take the grammar errors into consideration and you've got a 4-column article that sets women back about 60 years. i'll be interested to see if Team Feminism writes in to the opinions section tomorrow or at the very least defaces the building.

changing the topic. making a website from scratch is more difficult then i thought, i think i'm making it harder than it needs to be. i'm on day 5 of the venture and am hoping to have something up and running by tonight. fingers are currently crossed.

after all the pets this summer, i decided that since i can't have a puppy now, plants would be the next best option. so i bought a split-rock and elephant bush cauz they're low maintenance and gave them names so that i'd be more inclined to keep them alive. Jayne and Japhy. I woke up to them every morning for over a month and life was good. but about a week ago tragedy struck. Japhy is still quite the trooper, but 3 out of 4 of Jayne's 'rocks' have deflated and withered and he is near death. it's very sad. i'm hoping he'll pull through in the next few days but otherwise it's adios muchacho. i'd feel bad throwing him in the trash so maybe i'll dump his soil and what's left of him in the 'woods' behind our complex. and i'll use the path after dark. that's what jayne have done for me. sniff.
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