Feb 01, 2007 23:34
Well tonights practice turned out so different then expected...
Anna still suffering from a head ache she aquired yesterday was unable to make practice,
Yvonne was home due to not sleeping well the night before and fatugue...
Ambilen (I cant spell) called Catherine today to back out due to feelign ill..
So it was myself Catherine who I needed to re-teach everythign too... And Robert.
Catherine is coming along slowly and steadily. 2 weeks ago we ahd another fencer show up from out of area. Fitzy...
Fitzy has been sport fencing and CCG and SCA fencing for a good long time. He has a very set style that comes from Olymic fencign first and other avenues last. He is a very good and acomplished fencer and he actually gets paid to teach.
He took it upon himself to express to Catherine that she was too defencive and she eneded to attack , a good defence starts with a good offence... Sigh... of course the total opisit to how I instruct. So she stopped perring, or defending and started walking towards her oponant arm out straight...
So tonight with no one around I talked with her and voiced my concerns and took her back to the basics. So we ahd her back to perry, reposte, point control and some attacks...
Robert wanted to work through daggger, he wants to try to authorize in that as well as ridged some time soon. His dagger form is very ridgid and lacks flow... He still isnt sure if its for offence or defence and the 2nd weapon in his hands causes him to over think his movments. But it will come in time... I got him to switch up from attack and defence with the sword to the dagger...
He is still uncomfortable with it... but he listens and is very attentive... and always improving.
So after 2.5 hours of non stop fencing I have bruised ahnds, a sore rib and god onlu knows what I did to mister neck muscle... it started to seize a bit on the way home...
And tomorrow night I get to make the trek out to barrie to play with April... last weeks pretend snow storm kept me from visiting then... It will be another night of low attendence, and trying to teach fundimentals... snort im gonna sleep well tomorrow night...
Sunday will be going up to Petabourough to help Griffin with his practice... he has like 4-6 people intersted in takng a peek at least at fencing... I have been helping Griffin try fro his marshalet so he can start fening in his area... He had an accedent a few months back and has been out of commision... that and well its a long drive... but I wanted to go... so this weekend there is no local practice we are trying to see how many we can get up there try some archery... IM not very good but I enjoy it... maybe someone can teach me how to do it right...
Laugh oh and then Monday will be doing pickering fencing practice... I joked with Watt tonight... was he or I supposed to bring the donuts... smile
I havent mentioned this in some time but I hate water... ugh... but thats a grip for another night
I hope everyone is feleign better soon...