(no subject)

May 30, 2006 23:56

Type your cut contents here.

What is todays date?: may 31, 2006.
What is the time right now?: 12:00am

~First things first~
Full name:: sweeney
Birth Date:: aug 17
Age:: 17
Sex:: girl.
Education Level:: soon to be freshman in college
Race:: white.
Heritage:: irish, polish
Where do you live?:ohio
Where are you right now?: home
Where do you work?: in a home
Are you Single?: yes

For the Single Guys/Gals:
Are you happy being Single?: kind of
Do you have your eye on someone?: yes
You going to ask the person out? yeah that didn't go well

Taken Guys & Gals
How long have you been in a relationship?: ...
Are you happy?: ....
Are you attached or playing the field?: ....

Name of Elementry School:: Crestwood
--- Mascott::: Owl
--- Fav. teacher::: mrs, hoover
--- Fav. Class::: art
--- Fav Activities::: eating lunch. & playing kickball or 4 square
--- Who were your friends?: Wendy, amanda,michelle, david, nicole, jessica, raquel,joey.

Name of middle school:: St. Jude
--- mascott::: jaguars
--- Fav. Teacher::: uh yeah dont have one
-- Fav. Class::: dont have one
--- Did you play any sports?: track
--- What activities did you participate in?: getting into trouble, being kicked out of class, being sent to the bench
--- Who were you close friends?: mike, matt, mario, nicole

Name of High School:: Elyria Catholic
--- Mascott:: Panther
--- Colors::: Green, White and Black
--- Fav. teacher::: Kennard
--- Fav. Class::: Art
--- Sports Played::: SOCCER
--- Any activities/clubs::: nope
--- Were you a Jock/prep/outkast/loner/Goth/etc::: uh hmmm normal
--- Fav thing about this school:::
--- What did you despise about this school?: tons of shit

-Only if you are in college-
What college/University are you attending?: Heidelberg
--- Mascott::: Student Prince....wtf
--- Colors::: black, red and orange
--- Major::: bussines
--- Minors::: art maybe
--- Are you on a Sports team?: Soccer
--- Do you live on campus:: yep
--- You like it?: dont know yet

Do you live in a broken family?: eh kind of
How many siblings do you have?: 2
--- Step Siblings?: none.
--- Half Siblings?: none
--- Step Parents?: none
Are you guys scattered about or close?: scattered about
Do you have daily traditions?: my mom makes coffee & proceeds make noise while shes getting ready
--- What about holiday traditions?: nope.

What is your earliest memory?: no idea
What is your favorite memory?: i have to many
Have you gone to any concerts?: yea
--- Where was it?: the fair
--- Who did you see?: uh some country guys
Where was your first vacation?: california i believe
Where have you gone on vacations?: canada,mexico,puerto rico, arizona, california, and a few others
What was your favorite vacation?: arizona

~Your Future~
Do you want to live in a city?: um sure
How about somewhere rural?: uh no
How about somewhere inbetween?: i could do inbetween
Do you have someplace in mind?: no
--- What is it?:
What occupation would you like to have?: Funeral Director/ Mortician
--- Do you think you will ever obtain this objective?: i hope

~Political Aspects~
Do you vote?: uh not at the moment
--- If not, why?:
Do you take an interest in your goverment?: no not really
Do you watch/read the news?: yeah.

~What is your Favorite...~
Tv Show::: House
Tv Channel::: 8
Cell Phone Brand::: i like Virgin
Soft Drink::: sierdr pepper
bevarage::: iced tea or water
Alcoholic Bevarage:::
Video game::: tony hawk has me busy at the moment
Game Console::: game cube
Cereal::: honey nut cheeeeeeeeerios
Sub::: philly chesse steak ( Quiznos)
Hot Sandwich::: smitty burger
State::: calif
Country::: Ireland
Animal::: dogs
Shampoo::: herbal essences
Conditioner::: ^
Clothing Brand::: adidas
Subject::: art
teacher::: look above
Eye Color::: green.
Hair Color::: dark brown.
Movie::: Girl interrupted
Condiment::: mustard

~Preferences - This or That~
IPOD/Cd Player::: ipod.
Staples/Tape::: staples.
Walmart/Kmart::: kmart.
Target/Kohls::: target.
Macy's/JcPenneys::: macy's.
Cash/ Credit::: cash.
Blue/red::: red
Black/ white::: black
Hooded/non hooded::: hooded.
Jeans/Sweats::: sweats
Aim/Phone::: Aim
Renting/Movie Theatre::: theatre.
Short/Long hair::: both.
Night/Day::: night.
Rain/Sun::: rain
Cloudy/Bright::: cloudy
Hot/Cold::: hot.
Water/Soda::: water.
Comedy/Drama::: comedy.

Day and Time done?: same day 12:27am

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