Mar 06, 2011 21:33
Wow, have I really not made a post in over 2 years? I find that a little strange since I still check LJ a couple times a week, even though the majority of my friends list have all moved on to other sites. The few of you that are left, though, I definately enjoy reading more than just the one line that I get from most people over on facebook...
So, what's new in my life? Well, a lot actually. Living in Columbus now, moved up here over the Summer to be closer to Marty's (and mine now) family. Absolutely loving it! Not only is it nice to actually have seasons (and snow!), to finally be out of the restaurant industry for good (unless some point in my life I own a place, I still think that might be fun, then I can really say I held ever imaginable position in the industry) at a job that I am currently enjoying, but it's nice to get out the apartment for a change. We had both became relatively extreme homebodies for a while there, and don't get me wrong we enjoyed it, but having people to force us out the house on the weekends is nice. It's gotten to the point that we pretty much have to plan time for us to stay home and enjoy an afternoon. But, with that said, we are behind on most of the shows that we watch, and WAY behind on out video games (I couldn't even list the games that we have that we want to play, just don't have the time for anymore). I guess working second shift (12-9) m-f, and overtime whenever it is offered (which for me has been going on 2 months straight now), and having weekends planned almost a month or so in advance it seems, will do that...
Speaking of weekends, I can't wait for the Crew to start up in a few weeks. We are actually checking our mail daily, which is unheard of for us, hoping to get our season tickets. So, as if our life isn't busy enough as it is, in a little less than 3 weeks that's one more thing that will be added in to it. Also, with Spring quickly approaching, the 5ks will be starting up soon. We wanted to try to do at least one a month year round, but my knee was hurting pretty bad a couple months ago, so I haven't ran since. I have been meaning to schedule a doctor's appointment to get it looked at so I can find out what I need to do to get running again, my body really misses it. But, in the absence of running I have started lifting weights, which I am really enjoying. After a little over two months I can definately see and feel the difference, so maybe it's a good thing that I had to lay off running for a bit because now I have gotten into that, and don't plan on stopping once I am able to start running again.
Just thought I would take a second to make a post since I haven't in so long. I do miss it quite a bit so maybe I'll find some time to get into it again, at least a couple times a week. Looking back over my journal posts from years ago I am happy to be able to see where I was, so years from now I would like to be able to do the same thing with now... if that makes sense...