first entry of 2006! and maybe the last ;)

Jan 02, 2006 15:06

Not really my last entry, but I update that little, that it might be a year from now when I update again. Probably not though. When Im home, Im bored, so I update!

Finally got all of my grades! 4.0 baby! Thats my first ever! I was very excited. I called my parents but they didnt answer any of their phones b/c they're bums! :oP I told my mom she should reward me with Friends season 10 on DVD haha. Thatd be nice ;) Especially since that was the first thing on my Christmas list and I didnt get it. booo!

Christmas was good. It was weird b/c Jill and Tony didnt come over to open gifts until dinner time, so I was basically the only one opening gifts in the morning, since my parents didnt have as many as me ;) I got a bunch of nice things. Mostly clothes b/c I need more for student teaching. I also got two video games(James Bond for gamecube and DDR2 for PS2), the latest Nicholas Sparks book, new pajamas and soft, fuzzy socks, a charger for my IPod in my car and an Itrip, which is very fun so I can listen to my IPod while driving :) I also got the Harry Potter Scene It game(which is based off of the 4 movies). That was fun :) We played that and the regular scene it with Jill, Tony and my cousin after dinnner. My time lost both times b/c Im a slow reader and Tony would have the question answered before I was even done reading. Oh well :) My grandparents sent me $50, which I used to buy Mario Party 7. That game is a pain in the butt. I have yet to win when playing with others :'(

The day after Christmas, me and my parents went out to Texas and visited Mark, Angela and the baby! Things were kind of awkward with Angela; she was very standoffish, almost like she was afraid of us. Its okay. I gave all my attention to Connor. Hes so cute :) I love him so much. Hes 7 months.. Ill have to post pictures some other time. I left my cord-thingy for my digital camera at school. Hes very smiley and loved me so much ;) Id play peek-a-boo with him, which gave lots of laughs. ::snuggles nephew:: Its very odd seeing my brother hold his son. Especially since when he was younger, him holding a child looked so awkward. But hes seems to have the hang of it. We didnt really do anything exciting while down there, since Connor is still young and needs to nap and eat every few hours. We did go look at these model houses which were by their house. Im in love with the model house. Its very beautiful. Its not all that big, but the living room was gorgeous. It had huge windows that were two floors and it was very nicely set up. I wanted to bring it here and live in it ;) Of course, its so much cheaper in Texas than it would be here. It was only like $240,000 there, but here itd probably be $500,000. Damn expensiveness!

For new years, i went down to College Park and hung out with joseph. He wasnt feeling that great, so we just hung out in the apartment, which was fine. I went to my second basketball game of the season with katherine :) Im such a loyal fan :OP After the game, me, her, Joe and Peter played HP Scene It and Mario Party 7. Peter won both :'( For Scene It, Joes piece never even made it on the board. hehe. Oh well. Peter cheated ;)

Tomorrow I start working at new Young SChool! Ive never been to this location. I had to drive around today to find it so that I dont get lost when trying to find it tomorrow. Hopefully I do okay! Im a bit nervous working at a different school where I wont know anyone. But oh well. Its money. And its smaller, so I like that ;)

The best news that I had today, and the surprising news, was that my dad is buying a new car for himself, like today or tomorrow(or he already bought it and is picking it up today or tomrorow) so I will no longer be driving the van! I get to drive his old car, which isnt all that old. Its a 98. Not even 10 years yet :) I was very excited. I didnt even know he had looked already. But supposedly thats what he did while I was in CP for the weekend. Crazy!

I finished the Shopaholic series :) I like those books a lot. I wonder when the next one comes out. I will definitely read it. Katherine lent them to me, so she rocks ;P

But now, I have to go potty ;) Yay for my update!
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