I disappeared yet again...

Apr 19, 2011 03:37

I've been away for a while.
A really long while... I meant to update weeks ago!
I'm sorrrrryyyy~~~
How did almost two months pass already!? D:

I'm not dead. Just a weird combination of busy and lazy and trying to avoid spoilers for the latest Layton game. I should be in bed right now so I'll try to keep this short.

I have a backlog of emails I need to reply to which I should get around to before the end of the week. I'm going to Anime Boston this weekend so I'm not sure if I'll have internet access or not or if I'll even bring my computer at all.

For those who didn't know, I recently moved and only not too long ago have I gotten things mostly together. I built some furniture, cleaned and organized all my stuff and found some things to sell. I'll be posting those to my selling post real soon now that LJ has resolved their scrapbook issues and I can easily add images again. Right now, I have this unresolved mattress situation going on. Long story short -- mattress was supposedly delivered and nobody knows where it is. >:(

I've received so many things during my disappearance:
  • The Danny Elfman & Tim Burton 25th Anniversary Box!!!! :D
  • Professor Layton doujinshi from Winter Comiket <3
  • Some random doujinshi, Catwoman comics and Tenchi Universe DVDs
  • Super cute custom set of Professor Layton peg people! X3
  • 3DS Launch Event swag
  • Distant Worlds CDs and DVD
  • possibly a few others things I can't recall at the moment...
My backlog of recently received doujinshi has all been scanned and I got a lot of older scans cleaned up over the weekend. I'm so proud of myself. :)

Very little progress has been made on the Blue/Green Doctor Who Scarf... :'(

I made a cake and a couple pies. :9

I went to the Distant Worlds Final Fantasy concert. It was awesome. :D

I'm growing an herb garden. :)

Kakashi has found a new favorite place to perch on my bed. She also likes to fly onto my head first thing in the morning. It's rather annoying.

And so this post isn't so boring, here's a few really old pics of Kakashi from last year...


pets: kakashi the cockatiel, ???: photos, life: disappearance, journal: updates

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