Jan 30, 2010 13:07
Went to my local FM today. OMG, was it cold and windy! Despite that, it was great. I finally (after reading some comments about milk on a comm) tried the milk from a local dairy. OMG! I was picking on someone earlier that "The snozberries taste like snozberries" and I totally had one of those moments. I ended up buying two pints even though I normally don't drink milk. I like that it's as close to raw milk as can be sold in the US and the taste is divine. Also got some strawberries and a nummy looking crawfish pie. Koko got some things and I think we're having our veggitarian friend over for dinner tonight to share all the noms. It's days like today when I realize just how much I miss living with her. It also makes me realize just how ready I am to be out on my own. I'm looking forward to my patio herb garden this summer, but because we're on the first floor, I hesitate to do any tomatoes or the like because I know the kids next to me will be taking the fruit before I can get it (have seen them do it to others in the complex). If I can get into a 2nd or 3rd flr apt, I won't have to worry about it because they won't be able to get to. Then I'll just have to deal with birds. ;) Waiting for spring, ready for spring.