work was a bit better today. i found out i have to work on memorial day, which means we'll have to come back from portland a day earlier than expected after my friend's wedding, but hey, i get time-and-a-half!
apparently i'm only actually doing tidepool walks during the minus tides, so it's just a few days a month. i guess i'll be doing a lot of other types of interpretive things too. for example- i may have to dress up in a giant beaver costume.
so kim tagged me for the journal-name meme-
both words come from the binomial nomenclature of plants (yay botany!) why yes, i am a dork, thank you.
Mimulus is the genus of the monkeyflower. the pink plants in my icon are Mimulus lewissi beside a stream on mount rainier, though the native species in my area (Mimulus guttatus) is yellow, not pink.
you can also get them for your garden in a myriad of colours, they are a very highly hybridized plant, and some of the ornamentals are REALLY cool. they are a member of the figwort family which is scientifically known as Scrophulariaceae, the most fun latin word EVER.
Arbutus is the genus of the pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii), as well as the more widely-known strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) and several other species. the madrone is awesome and gnarled, with reddish bark that peels off to reveal the chartruse underbark that eventually fades to a silvery-tan. they are broadleafed evergreens, with leaves like rhododendrons, and funky, spiky little golf-ball fruits that go from yellow to red (thus the name strawberry tree, though it's more of a shrub); they are palatable, but not always tasty. their flowers clusters are little white lantern-shaped things like blueberry or heather flowers (they are part of the heath family). madrones are actually fairly common here on the NW coast, though they are nearly impossible to grow anywhere else.