Oct 03, 2011 08:20
I live next door to a primary school and every morning they make this enormous racket. I can't see them, but their noise is right next to my windows, so I have to guess that it is that bizarre combination of exercises/fresh air/patriotism/percussion that you get in places of mass indoctrination. There's what sounds like a gramophone recording playing the national anthem, or 'ya misr' and then a teacher gets on the tannoy and says wacka-wacka-WACKA (bang bang), wacka-wacka-WACKA (bang bang) and then all the kids shout back, and then some kids are selected from the crowd and get to shout into the tannoy also and lead the chants. I always picture the tannoy moving its lips like in cartoons. It's incredibly loud and goes on for an hour at least and wakes me at 7 every morning, but I can generally sleep through it if I need.
I just fixed the washing machine which electrocuted me (I know that was ages ago), and now that it works it's clearly done something to my ancient boiler which operates on some infathomable principle of water pressure, so I came home to find the boiler dripping like crazy directly into my nice new 15A adaptor making washing machine and bathroom massive potential electricity death zone until further notice. Another day, another plumbing disaster.
Pandora is at the window. She's had a bad few days, I have eye strain and so am wearing my glasses, which means no more contact lens treats for her, and that is basically what motivates her in life. She still does her massive, elaborate, prancing, flopping, four-hour-long Parade Of Love on the bed though until I get up. Tomorrow. Lens abuse will recommence tomorrow and she will have her treat.
The things I ignore in order to stay asleep in the mornings is pretty impressive.