tiny memory

Nov 06, 2010 17:17

The other day, Mohammed and I were having a super serious meeting regarding the technical and financial closing-off of nightmare project. It could have gone worse and we were all making an effort to be charming, clean-cut and polite to the two bureaucrats we were dealing with as they had a lot of tough questions.

The wind blew our meeting room door shut and when Mohammed tried to open it, because it sticks a bit and there is no door handle, just some holes, and he couldn't manage. He is small and slight. Then I marched over and yanked at it and it came unstuck. I said: 'and THAT'S why I'm the boss'.
A pathetic joke but it was a tense meeting and everybody giggled and it broke the ice. As Mohammed and I walked through to get some papers, I could hear both men agreeing in this sort of considered tone: 'yes, she's stronger than him...'

Poor Mohammed just had to suck it up. To be fair, he was brilliant in that meeting. He's brilliant at everything. Except opening jammed doors.

mohammed, work

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